
Thursday, September 8

snippets of...

ah yes, 'tis been a while for sure. but today we have 'snippets of...' but just like always, before the snippets, there must be a ramble. of course you could just scroll on down and skip the ramble, quite understandable and i will forgive if you do. for those that are not skipping, then here's the blurb...
(the word 'skipping' is a most spiffy word i think)

yesterday i practiced the 'fine art of avoidance', some days i think i could get a degree in this form of fine art.
there i was sitting staring at a 'pressing' blank word document, Colin the Computer was so kindly holding up for me, when the little voice inside my head piped up

"do not put off till tomorrow, what you can do today"

wise words indeed i thought as i stared blankly at my screen. then another little voice butted in reminding me of the little spiffy can of paint my magical paint man had mixed for me. the most perfectly perfect greeny aqua colour, the exact match of our kitchen chair.
the first little voice pointed out this was not what it meant, the second little voice said, surely these wise words apply to anything, including a little pot of paint and a laundry room cupboard waiting patiently.

i then proceeded to ponder how it is, i see my laundry room as a luxury space. is it because i am a Brit and until moving stateside always had my w. machine in the kitchen? i think perhaps it is, and so therefore i love my little laundry space with quite a passion. however i do not love dirty laundry with any passion, but as this is part and parcel of the life i lead then how spiffy to have a small space to do it in. when we first moved in, the little space was filled with old Formica cupboards, i removed some doors and painted others.

as i was practicing the fine art of avoidance, it seemed only fitting i listened to little voice number two and switched off little voice number one. whereupon i spent a happy half hour freshening up the laundry room cupboard. upon which i noted afterwards, it needed a new curtain, so i took some of the fabby nylon tablecloth i found in the thrift store a few weeks back and made one. after which i noted my little laundry space needed a clean, so i did. and then after all that, i felt such a love for my little laundry room i invited 'frankly frank' in to record my afternoon efforts.

so today i have
snippets of... a laundry room
thrilling stuff!

and the besty best snippet of all
Bingo Bee...

she now finds herself one day later staring at a blank word doc, kindly held up by Colin the Computer, more pressing than the day before and this time she has no choice but to listen to voice number one ~ Tif


  1. That was actually QUITE thrilling for this tiny apartment dweller! I, scarily enough, rather enjoy doing laundry but completely detest having to drag it all up and down 3 flights of stairs, across the driveway, and down to the basement of the adjoining building.

    So the next time I'm down there doing the wash and keeping an eye out for giant basement spiders, I shall definitely be dreaming about your gorgeous and bright laundry room! :)

  2. Being a Brit myself, your Laundry Room 'tis definately thrilling stuff to me.

    It is huge, and I now also have washing machine envy as they look huge too!!

    here's hoping that Colin may help you out with a few ideas for your blank word document...

    have a great day Tif. xx

  3. Love your spiffy laundry room! Great colors!

  4. I adore your color scheme. I long for a laundry room. I didn't know you had a cat. Where do you get those adorable vintagy-looking plastic laundry baskets? Thank you for your blog. It is very inspiring.

  5. Prettiest laundry digs I ever did see... (I am writing this comment instead of doing what I am supposed to be doing. Well, there ya go...)

  6. This is the most beautiful laundry room I've ever seen...mine is so horrible....I need to change it into something more beautiful....
    tanja from good old germany

  7. Yes, but now she can be in no doubt just how clever she is, having spiffed up her laundry room so beautifully, so the blank word document and Colin can hold no fear for her whatsoever... C.x

  8. WOW you did a great job painting the cupboard what a gorgeous fresh colour it all looks so pretty. Love the fabrics you used on the top cupboards to. dee x

  9. your house always makes me smile. such a cheery, beautiful home. :)

  10. how utterly blissful and delicious to have such a harmonious room in which to go a laundering...

  11. Oh how i wish for a laundry room to call my own...bx

  12. It is so pretty! I can understand why you want to spend time there, it loks so full of light and happiness. Great!


  13. Hi Dottieangel, it is most wonderfully lovely to do laundry in a place of prettiness that makes it seem like a gift to do such a kindly thing for tired and grumpy clothes. I am inspired to do some prettiness in my place of laundry, which is not too unpretty, but there is always space for more prettiness in one's life...

  14. victory garden yarn! thank you for the smile today :)

    donna, trust me it isn't huge compared to what i have seen before here... she is quite narrow but perfectly sized.
    Mrs W. Machine and Miss T. Dryer look big and yes they are! but they are pretty pants at doing their job :)

    the 'hangy me jig' thing came from a market in costa rica a few years back. i have seen similar in IKEA i think, however they do not appear to have that vintagey look.
    kitsch kitchen had some too but that is not much use probably,
    have a looky on line and see what you can spy Suzette...
    and yes, we have two cats, i love myself a furry critter or two :)

    thank you for the kind 'snippets of...' comments today :)
    delighted to report, no longer looking at a blank piece of paper!
    hurrah hooray !

  15. I would gladly come and do your washing if I can spend all day in that lovely room :) xx

  16. Oh Tif. Only you can make a laundry/utility room quite so gorgeous. I am now looking at ours which is full of doggy debris and wondering where to start ...


  17. so gorgeous and sunny,fresh...must be a breeze doing laundry in that heavenly little space! love the white and the aqua with the pops of color and floral!

  18. What a beautiful laundry room - I am one of the rare Brits who actually has a laundry room (although I suppose it's more of an outhouse, as it also houses my gardening bits and bobs and our spare fridge, and we have to go OUTSIDE to get to it - in BRITISH weather, brrrrrrr!) and you have inspired me to go and pretty it up a bit, thank you!

  19. I love your laundry room! Very organized and full of light!

  20. Dottie, me and my man are absolutely thrilled over your blog and your wonderful creative language. Being swedish as we are, we learn new words every day and sometimes laughing when not even Google translator knows your fantastic words! This is really silly, but when we come home after work, making us comfortable in the sofa (and always watching 7 o'clock english house hunting tv-show "A house in the country"), I use to ask my man: what do you think Dottie been up to today? And we are always curious, turning on the computer to see and read your lovely and funny blog! We had a really good laugh the other day when we read about you sobbing over the craig's list sofa and your man too: but in despair. I think my man feels the same quite often, but like yours seems to be, he's a good one and let me continue with my household madness. We wish you all the luck in the world and will happily continue to read every blog post you write! /Anna & Alex

  21. I'm swooning over that doorknob.

    ♥ sécia

  22. I never thought of a laundry room as a luxury space, but then again, as I bought my first house in Britain, I never had one either! The kitchen is a crappy place for laundry. I'm looking forward to owning a house on this side of the pond with a dedicated space. :)

  23. this is, without a doubt, THE most beautiful laundry room ever. I think I've just developed laundry room envy--yes, it exists! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  24. Congratulations, Tiff on the success with voice #1. However, we are glad for voice #2 because it's success is instant gratification. Lovely snippets!

  25. Absotively wonderful...and my favorite part is that cute little hanger-upper-sort-of-thing for delicates (I'm guessing). Such a happy room. :)

  26. Hey Tiff a most excellent sock and jock washing room.......

    All those lovely colours and floral goodness would see me spending quite a bit of time in there too.

    I have a laundry room myself but not nearly as prettified as yours. I must set to and see what I can do with it.
    You know, I never understood why the Brits put washing machines in kitchens....even in relatively new homes. Can you enlighten me please......

    Glad to hear your piece of paper is no longer balnk.

    Claire :}

  27. Allie 'peachy' Jane youngSeptember 9, 2011 at 12:23 AM

    my Laundry room is full of my craft stuff!!!! But it is my bit of heaven!!!!

  28. In effetti in un posto così bello viene anche voglia di dedicarsi alle faccende domestiche! E' fantastico!

  29. I just had to pop in and say my copy of your book arrived in the mail today!
    I've loved your blog for ages so the book was a necessity. Thankyou for the perfect way to spend a lovely rainy Friday afternoon! I posted about it on my blog too:

    And your laundry is beautiful too!

    Anthea :)

  30. It's the best darned laundry room I have seen - bring on the dirty socks!

  31. Know that every one of your British readers is green with envy! I love how Dottie Angel it is. I think if someone had shown me these snippets and asked me to guess whose laundry room it might be, I would have known it was yours!

  32. Love your laundry room, looks so bright and cheerful!

  33. Oooh that is so nice. Pls can you share the origins of your umbrella peg hanging thingy? Is it a home-made one from old coathangers? It looks great! Love from England xx

  34. So very pretty. It is indeed a bit of a luxury I think. You might remember that the laundry was not included in the house tour I gave you. It dwells in 'the basement of danger' and no amount of cupboard frockery will improve it's ambiance (that is probably due to the fact that no cupboard resides in my laundry). Well done my dear!

  35. anna and alex! you just made my whole year i think!! i am totally warmed to think you enjoy my ramblings to such a degree :)
    i am now sitting in my shed thinking "i wonder what anna and alex saw in a house in the country tonight"... thank you kindly for such a lovely comment

    my dearest laundry room loving dearies, thank you kindly for the comments and the hangy me jig came from a market in costa rica...

    and Anthea, delighted you are happy with your birthday gift in the mail. always think the best ones are the ones we pick out ourselves! otherwise there is a risk of a panini maker being given!

  36. A laundry room is on my 'wants' live if I ever move. I have an 'area', it is not the peachiest of places but I think perhaps it would like a Dottie Angel style 'freshen' too.
    Beautiful Bingo Bee.
    Carol xx

  37. Oh my...
    I want a laundry room rather badly. My husband and I are looking for our first home and I really hope we get a dedicated space that's not in a basement...I'm so bad about doing laundry because I have to hang the clothes to dry in a completely separate room and that's just a pain. :) I suppose I will just have to imagine I have a space as spiffy as yours for now, complete with a perfectly painted cabinet and a pup sleeping in a laundry basket!

  38. I love your laundry room. So fresh and pretty! Where, oh where do you get one of those wire clippy thingies that almost looks like a laundry chandelier?

  39. Tif, I rent but I look forward to owning my own home. I am looking for an older home. Everyone has modernised theirs but I'm looking forward to filling mine with vintage loveliness. I have to say that I would WANT to do the laundry if my laundry room was this gorgeous. You are the bees knees. I can't wait to find my own little space to get creative in. For now I contend myself with vintage cushions and furniture but one day... one day my dream will be fulfilled. Love your work D.A. I love coming here to dream. Clever lady you. x
