
Wednesday, September 21

note taking again...

oh how i love myself some notes...

bee day notes:
note one: it occurred to me, half way through yesterday, the Queen does birthday portraits every year, so why can't i, after all i had my new birthday frock on.

note two: my 'lads of three' did not let me down! to think they plotted and planned without Our #1 and #2 around made me feel super spiffy inside. along with handmade cards (the bestest kind to receive) i was given three lovely books of which i will show on an up and coming thrilling 'book week' (to be announced, i like that and so i had to write it, "to be announced"), two bars of cadbury's caramel and EVIL'O', a glowing pesky daxie. my lads have noted on many an occasion that OLIVE spelt backwards says 'evilo' and so this seemed most fitting for a life size daxie now glowing in the corner of our lounge

note three: EVIL'O' looks a little chilly to me :)

crafty notes:
note one: in between a mammoth amount of chin wagging with clan members far far away i did get a little crafty yesterday, not enough for my liking but enough to feel like i am making headway. for this sunday i am heading to Seattle to install (doesn't that sound professional and like i know what i am doing, gosh what a spiffy little word) a 'dottie angel' vignette (please see booky notes below for install reasons)

note two: i wish for a cluster of goodness and i need to get my crafty granny pants on and not dilly dally about the place, for dilly dallying is banned this week. i think i may put up signs around the shed stating this. i do not think i have ever banned anything in our shed before, however, time is not on my side and dilly dallying therefore will be banned

booky notes:
note one: hurrah hooray, for 'tis tres exciting. Janine and myself are having a book launch in Seattle and you are all invited! in my heart of hearts, i wish you could all be there but alas and alack i know this is not possible. however there maybe one or two of you peachy readers who do live near by, who are not doing much on September 30th, between 6 and 9pm and fancy a bit of dilly dallying at the lovely Assemble Gallery and Studio. (the dilly dallying ban will have been lifted by then)

how grand it would be for you to come and join us, small beings and little critters most welcome. actually i do not know about the little critter bit, so perhaps if you have a mousey who likes to go out and about in your pocket i am thinking that might be okay. or a hedgehog like Basil, but not so sure about larger critters, so best leave them at home. but small and big beings all welcome. my 'lads of three' will be there, i have mentioned to my man he may want to read my book as he might be asked a tricky question like "have you read the book?" his response was "i live in your dolified world Tif, i think i'll be okay"
i think he has a point...

she is thanking you most kindly for the peachy well wishes yesterday and will be back tomorrow with a little monkey busy businessy stuff ~ Tif


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday and I just love your new light up doxie. If I lived closer I would have loved to visit you at your book signing. I love your blog and your stories, and I feel as though I am transported to another place when I read your adventures on your blog. Your positive energy and cheerfullness warms my heart. Thank you.


  2. I love that outfit in the first photo. So fun and pretty combination!

  3. I had such high hopes of coming to Seattle to get my lovely book signed but alas, I've been called away to the adult playground in the desert. :( Will you be having another book signing in the area? Crossin' fingers. BTW, where did you/they find your lovely frock?! xo

  4. Congratulations on your success! I am very gratified to see that an artist/craftsperson should create such a book and I hope it sells like hotcakes!
    Your friend from Oregon.. Teresa

  5. I hope I can make it! Sounds like fun :)

  6. OOooo, your book launch sounds most exciting!

    I love your Evil O, but feel he could do with a scarf of grannyness maybe?

    I so love your lamp of many patches..have I missed that in a very old blog post, or am I just forgetting, or has it not been blogged?

    And your new birthday dress is truly peachy perfect..
    Also, is it just me, or does anyone elso come over with dottie angelisms when they have been reading your blog? :o) lol

    So wish i could be at your book launch, but will send lucky wishes across the pond at the time :o)

    Hope you're having a fabulous day Tif.

  7. Hi Tif, love your peachy papery altered lampshade mobile in all whitiness...A lovely birthday make if indeed it was. Karen

  8. I live all the way away in New York, but I have a cousin in Seattle and am sending her your link in the hope that she will go and jealous me with photos and the like afterwards. C.x

  9. had a red wine on your birthday! cheers ;)
    love glowing olive!
    would be tres tres cool to near to you be at the book launch in seattle (why is the ocean that big?)
    like marks answer a whole lot ;)

  10. oh how peachy it would be to have you there for sure...
    thank you for spiffy comments today dearest readers :)
    donna, nope i have not blogged about it, 'tis my patchy lamp made under guidance from my fabby friend Rachelle aka Bernina aka Ted & Agnes. she is quite the crafty soul for sure
    Maize! oh no i was so looking forward to meeting you, perhaps in the future our crafty paths will cross :)

  11. oh and my frock! it is a target frock layered over this summers target lace mustard tee shirt layered over a dottie angel slip. the frock was not a good fit and so i added a tie back and sorted it with buttons on the shoulder.
    i felt a little house on the prairie in it :)

    i am thinking it needs side pockets in a contrasting material... so's i have somewhere to keep my cotton hankie!

  12. ooo! I think myself and lovely neighbor may go to your thingie on greenwood. perhaps I'll bring along my daughter and small hamster. ;)

  13. hurrah! a small being, a hamster and a neighbour, how perfectly peachy of you Kathleen :)

  14. Happy Birthday. I just stopped by to say hello and thank you for your book efforts. It IS peachy and I'm very much enjoying the reading and seeing. I'm very happy to have read about you in Mollie Made which led me to your blog. I will be a frequent visitor

  15. Dear Dottie Angel, I have discovered you very nicely in Mollie Makes and have followed your blog a wee bit and seen your book and tried to find where I can buy it in the UK - but Verandah's website is being re-lovelified...Are there other places to find your 'suitcase' near me? I live in Auchtermuchty, Scotland.
    Thank you for delightening my world with spiffy, peachy loveliosity!

  16. happy birthday and happy book party planning + the dreaded business stuff can be such a drain, argg. you must reward yourself with something sweet.

  17. Oh how i would love to hop on over the big pond and visit your doily-peachy-place!! I recieved your book this week and i've been oh-ing and ah-ing for days now... i love it to pieces!!!! After reading soms bits i will have to come out now... i am a dottie-angel-thrift-hider too!

  18. Congrats on yesterdays turning-another-year-already-day ! I got you're book in my mailbox yesterday, so it felt a bit my birthday too! LOVE the book...
    Good luck at you're book presentation wich will be spiffy indeed..
    Greetz, Marleen (Rotterdam, the Netherlands)

  19. Oh, how exciting, wish I could be there. Love the birthday frock and the lamp is beautiful. :) Liz

  20. happy belated birthday - missed your last post..& an official book launch, so exciting - wish i didn't live on the other side of the world - i would be there with bells on. xxx

  21. methinks dilly dallying is the stuff of greatness. How I wish I could come and dally with you!

  22. Are you doing book signings in any other state? I'm in Illinois and would love it if you came out here, hint, hint.

  23. I will be there on Sunday, I am looking forward to it. I will be the one clutching my perfectly peachy dottie angel book against my chest, in case Mr. Lurgy is hiding around the corner (but that would mean he'd be at the ice cream shop next door, and how could he be feeling lurgy-like eating ice cream?)xo

  24. I can't wait to see your book! I'm sure it's going to be fantastic!

  25. so happy you love the book! and so delighted i will be meeting some of you on friday :)

    alas and alack i will not be traveling elsewhere for now...

    you can find my book at or in my etsy store :)

  26. a TCC student gave me your book and you kindly inscribed it for my birthday. I stopped in later to thank you and congratulate you on this beautiful, charming book, but do wish I'd known it would be your birthday in a few days.
    Wishing you another fantastic year- it was lovely to meet you!

  27. That is a cute dachshund lamp! Hope you had a happy birthday!
