
Monday, September 26

big things and little strings...

last week all became a little tricky dicky 
and so on friday i went to spend quality time with
my adopted auntie
at her little gray cottage by a babbling brook

where we spent many happy moments

whilst Miss Mina looked on 

i think it quite true to say,
one of the besty best things to have happened to me of late is adopting my auntie.
i would highly recommend it...

she is delighted to say, the mountain has become a mole hill and she is nearly at the top ~ Tif 


  1. It does look like you had a wonderful time.. and Miss Mina is too cute for words.. look at that little face!

  2. Where did you find your auntie...I so need one! Can I get one with a sweet grey cottage too? xoxo

  3. So sweet! Love the packaging.

    ♥ sécia

  4. Miss Mina is so cute;) looks like a lot of work, but i love the result;)

  5. What a very kind and (in your words..peachy) thing to do....xxxx

  6. How does one go about adopting an auntie? I would love to do that!

    --Jaclyn T
    Elegant Twig Jewellery

  7. What a charming cottage! "I want to go to there."

  8. As always, I covet your fantastic yard and home. The colors, greenery, and warmth must make you happy each day. That photo of Miss Mina is the sweetest!

  9. Pleased your mountain has become a mole hill Tif :o)

    I love your little strings of happy.. They do exactly what they say on the tin ;o)

    And adopting an auntie sounds a most wonderful idea...hmmmm...just got to find one to adopt ;o)

    Have a most peachy week my lovely.

    Donna xx

  10. It's always nice to have a friend to work with, and to have a change of scenery, and to have a cute dog face to look at. What a nice house and yard she has!

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    PS. I just posted some super fun photos of the Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival.. I invite you to pop over and see.

  11. I love the idea of adopting new relatives. remember friends are the family we make for ourselves.

  12. I love that little dog nose picture! (I NEED a little dog in my life and seem to find them popping up everywhere). Very glad to hear that the Mountain has been reduced to a Molehill - I love it when that happens and only wish I would have the foresight to remember it, instead of always regarding it with hindsight (if that makes sense)

  13. Glad to hear Auntie is taking care of you and that molehills are all you need to climb.
    Carol xx

  14. Hi, I am so glad Dottie's mountains have settled. Aunties are truly a gift, and how lovely to share strings of happy with each other in peacefulness, and be soothed by sharing happy strings with others who have mountains. May every mountain shrink in fear at the sight of such perfectly peachy strings of happiness.

    Love Karenx

  15. ah yes indeedy, would the world not be a better place if we could all adopt aunties and grannies :)

    i think there are many to be found, one just has to keep an eye open and Mr Fate will lend a helping hand :)

  16. Ah so sweet that you have an adopted Auntie. I lost my real
    Aunt a couple years ago and I miss her.I like how you said that you have to keep an eye open.
    I love her cottage and the banner you made. What are the packages going to be. I see a pattern in there. Glad that mountain has gotten alot smaller. Sometimes they seem to high to climb, but they never really are.

  17. I have 3 lovely aunties, but would be more than happy to adopt another! (especially one with whom I can sit and knit and sew.) Lovely view!

  18. Lovely prints and such a cute doggie! :)

  19. can i tell you, just how fabby you have made my adopted auntie and Miss Mina feel today :)

    they are both positively beaming at your kind words and yes, we are all three in agreement, how lucky we are to have found each other :)

    Debby, i know just how you feel and yes you are quite right, sometimes it always looks like a mountain but rarely ever turns out to be one. that's whats so peachy about having adopted aunties, they are very wise and often help you see the molehill where once you you could only see a mountain.

  20. What a lovely well spent time together and look at the lovelies you have created as usual of course !!

  21. What a lovely well spent time together & beautiful creations as usual!

  22. Oh, that pup has me grinning! It looks like you had a lovely little crafty time! I'm a bit jealous. It's been ages since I sat down with a needle and thread...

  23. Dottieangel,,,you are so inspiring! I love your blog. Just makes me want to make something!!! Angel

  24. ooohhhhh! I want a little string too. Please do add more to your Etsy shop!

    * Been meaning to find the time to make a garland, but I'll be happy to have you do the work for me!

  25. sounds like a fun time! i love all the color and patterns in your photos!


  26. love those little strings of

  27. little strings of happy are back on the shelves Andrea :)

    thank you for your peachy comments dearest readers.

  28. Oh dear. I think you sold out of happy little strings again. I missed it!

  29. oh gosh Andrea! sorry they whizzed off the shelves... just put more out, hope you catch them :)
    thank you for coming back and trying again...

  30. Beautifully put, a bit mysterious, but this post tells us that we can find ways to lead us back to happiness when we might have lost the path for a bit.

