
Tuesday, August 2

random postcard #1...

dearest reader,
arrived safely in old blighty, spent a few spiffy days in london.
my fabby fav spiffy day was sunday.
it was Our #1's half birthday, Sun 26th June
we pottled around Spitalfields Market which was extra peachy.
upon passing Brick Lane market my heart missed a beat.
my little beady eye spied a stall selling Kantha quilts and wares.
in all my born days (which are quite a few) i have yet to stumble across such a stall.
after much 'umming and ahhhing' i settled on a quilt in beautiful green,
with bright pink flowers.
i bought Our #1 a yellow casio watch to celebrate her day.
* * * * *
a few days later we travelled by train to Devon.
Mr Sunshine was being nice so a day on the beach beckoned.
me, two thirds of my clan, a Kantha quilt of loveliness
and my latest bit of dabbling with Mr Hook.
a perfect day.
the starburst flower squares pattern i found in issue two of Mollie Makes,
having stitched together nine squares i am now granny stitching around the border using a giant ball of duck egg blue yarn found locally.

hope things are dandy with you...
Tif x


  1. BEAUTIFUL...what a great picture...looks lovely and sunny!

  2. That quilt looks sooo beautiful & happy in your company and as for the hooky goodness; well goodness!

  3. I'm pleased to read that you are enjoying your holiday!


  4. SO nice
    I love your blog
    so lovely

  5. Hope you're having a nice time in my home county :) Devon is the best x

  6. Ohhhhh... pretty picture of the ocean and the blanket and the crochet.. a picture says a thousand words.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  7. Would like to see a photo of the quilt, though, I've never heard of a kantha quilt! And the word verification says, 'warmiem.' Perfect for a quilt, don't you think?

  8. My heart sings when it sees your hooky creation!

  9. Beautiful postcard::). Liz xxx

  10. Mmmm what a yummy bit of crocheting! :)

  11. What a beautiful photo and a wonderful way to spend your time outdoors. Love the colors of your blanket. I've asked a couple of friends who are in the States right now to try and find Mollie Makes for me, but I hear it is hard to find. We don't get any good magazines over here in Kuwait. :/ Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  12. TWO days in a ROW I click & am reassured all is peachy in my world....Order surely HAS been restored....Ramble away my Friend....!

    Tamarah :o)

  13. A day out at Spitalfields market and brick lane sounds lovely..! I've been there before and loved it. :-)
    I really like your blanket, the simpleness of the starburst granny squares inside the border of blue is lovely.

    Ashley xxx

  14. Dear Tif
    Thank you for your random postcard and news of your Blighty travels :-) I'm very much loving your quilt and your hooky creation too ... don't they make a lovely combination? So pleased to hear the sun was kind to you for your day at the beach. I too am hoping to venture beach-ward in the next few days and have all my fingers, toes and anything else crossed for blue skies.
    I hope all is fine and dandy back at the mossy shed,
    Looking forward to hearing more of your random holiday snapshots,
    D xxx

  15. postcards from the edge!! so glad you are back to add a bit of silliness, and giggles to the morning! Summers are so inspirational! ... Keep on creating!! Cant wait to get my book! Yeah!! :)


  16. What a lovely summer we are having here in the UK (made more delicious by the arrival of Molly Makes!) - so glad you are having beachy weather for your trip Tif. That crochet blanket looks perfectly pretty at the seaside.

  17. A cheery Hello, Tif! I have been away from your blog for a while, as the spring and summer here were quite busy...WHAT a true delight to be back to see you've returned as well!! I love, love, love the Postcards in Retrospect and am looking forward to reading's my dream to someday visit London, and now I'll have a nice list of peachy fun places to pop into!! And I am positively crazy excited about the book coming out...congrats and best wishes!!

  18. so glad my postcard arrived safely upon your doormats!

    Kantha quilts are from Bangladesh and and were typically a way of using up old saris i believe. layers of fabric patched together and a running top stitch across the whole quilt finishes it off. if you look on Wikipedia it does a nice job of giving the history of the technique and quilt :)

    as for mollie makes, it is issued in the UK which is maybe why finding it stateside can be tricky. they do have a link on their website for a discount subscription for overseas subscribers. maybe worth having a look as buying them stateside is costly and actually works out cheaper to take the subscription out :)

    i'll be sure to show you the finished blanket when i am done mailing all my postcards in retrospect. i appear to have got quite a few left to mail... some more random then others!

  19. Just love that photo and blanket!

  20. sounds like an absolutely lovely time...
