
Thursday, November 4

snippets of... randomness

yes indeedy, 'tis been quite the while since i did a 'snippets of...'
i thought "why not Tif, after all it is already thursday",
and quite honestly it has got to that time of year,
'the time' that happens every year,
the roller coaster ride.
from halloween
(which i tend to bypass)
onto thanksgiving
(which i love greatly)
finishing up at the gleeful season
(oh, i do love myself a bit of glee).

next week will be thee week,
my empty glass jars found lurking within my fridge and on the shelves of despair,
get their moment to shine.
i know it all seems tres early
but it does give any dearies who also wish to 'glee up' a few empty jars
a chance to get cracking in plenty of time.

but for today it is all about snippets and those snippets would be
'snippets of.... randomness around mossy shed'
brilliant eh!
there is no rhyme nor reason to these snippets,
other than they make me smile
and i am thinking that is as good a reason as any...

she has noted her little cogs have slowed this week, perhaps due to over brainstorming with little olive and used dog ~ Tif


  1. Great pics! Tell me, does your cat have no teeth?

  2. lucky and happy animals ! I like these photos! Samantha

  3. I love your blog and lurk daily for a I have to say how much I love your little Olive- the last pic in the suitcase bed just killed me!!! xxx

  4. That photo of the cat and chickens is priceless!

    Just found your blog and I love it!

  5. Aww little Olive is such a cutie!!
    Just love the way the chickens have taken over the table. :)
    Vivienne x

  6. Love the cat and chickens photo...made me smile!

    Also, can I have your house please? It looks gorgeous :)

  7. It's got to be the hens and your cat. I stared at it for a while as it has to be the best picture I've seen in a long while. Did you ask them all to sit nicely while you snapped away?

    Forgot to comment on your last post as I was tired when I looked. Absolutely love your wrap. The colours just work wonderfully.


  8. Awesome pictures, beautiful house filled with lovely things ... just looking at all these colours and crafty things makes me happy!

  9. that dog just brightened my day.

  10. Your snippets have brought joy to my blog surfing just before I tuck myself up for sleep, so gorgeous, thanks for sharing xox

  11. I could just squeeze olive in her suitcase she is a cutie patootie!

  12. Great pictures, so adorable! xoxoxo

  13. Oh, lovely little peeks of your shed, Tif! :) Little Olive melts my heart - she's so adorable!!

  14. Lovely, lovely snippets ! Warmed my little Friday heart here in Oz!

  15. I LOVE all these photos! Glad I found your blog; it's instantly a huge favorite!

  16. What darling photos you have, with hens on the table and doggies in a suitcase. Snippets, indeed!

  17. your dog is too adorable in that little suitcase bed! My dog uses his bed for his toys...never has he ever laid in it :(

    So cute I can't stand it!

  18. Little Olive seems to own quite a number of wonderful wraps and snuggly
    blankets. Her suitcase curl-up just tickles me...

  19. First the dogs made me smile ( as dogs always do ) then i might have fallen in love with the kitten and the chickens.

    All in all a highly satisfactory collection of randomness.

    xo jane

  20. ...Love the beautiful Pictures!
    Many Greetings and enjoy your Day,

  21. Oh the blissfulness of snippets! I'm much in favour of them myself, especially with a few lovely bits of crochet in the mix.

  22. love your snippets, especially your cat that seems to be talking....

  23. why is it that cats are able to entirely ignore chickens (and vice versa) ?? it goes against every law of nature....!
    (a brilliant shot by the way)

  24. Dear. Tif,

    Love your blog! Sitting here reading it, , living with you must be wonderful,with just the perfect sprinkling of whimsy !
    Do people adopt 56 yr. olds ? LOL

  25. Hey Tif, lovely snippity snippets from around Mossy Shed.
    Love Little Olives blanket and she looks so sweet in her bed, totally oblivious to everything.

    Is your little black cat trying to tell you something?
    "Tif the chooks are on the table............ again!"

    Have a great Dottie Angel weekend.

  26. Love your snippets, especially the one with the slightly psychotic looking cat. ;-)

  27. What an inspiring cosy looking interior :) I'm a big fan of the blue deer, I wish I could find one like that !!

  28. Ha ha, didn't see the cat at first! Ace! What a lovely shed you own :)

  29. I love your style! And what sweet little dogs.

  30. Wonderful random snippets of loveliness, Tif, they made me smile too.
    It is an awful dismal, grey day here in Blighty so I needed a bit of brightness. Thank you.
    Carol xx

  31. lovely snippets (as always) and very fine dogs too. I only have a knitted one ( - she's called The Princess Snowdrop (stupid name, I know) do you like her?

  32. I love your snippets of your home, studio, pets... Such calm and inspiration.. The photos are really beautiful.

  33. ha ha, hee hee... you are all just like me! nothing like a little furry or feathered friend to bring a smile to one's face :)
    thank you kindly for the 'snippets of...' love!

    as for bingo, one of our cats, she is rather old in age but does have all her teeth! i just happen to capture her 'talking to me' through the kitchen window. i studied her for sometime busy washing herself, glancing over to check on the chickens and then we chatted, the moment needed to be captured by Carlos...

  34. Lindas tus fotos! :)

  35. Love your home and love the last two pics of all your critters, so adorable.

    And, P.S. - I love that Dottie Angel has seven rescued greyhounds. We have two used ones oursleves ;)

  36. The last photo has me grinning ear to ear, so, so darn sweet!

  37. that puppy in a suitcase is deliciously cosy and perfect. jack russell? sweet.

  38. dear Dottie Angel-
    Thank you for making me smile today.

  39. I love your creativity! the jule mobile, cluster of glee.
    you joyful mixing of fibers

    the pictures of the poor cat looking over come by chickens is just precious. I'm posting it with a link to your weblog so others may come & learn from you too .

    Happy Thanksgiving to you.
