
Friday, September 10


my nose is running and my little toes are numb,
despite doing a sun dance it is tres chilly here today,
especially in my garage where i have been holed up all morning trying to sell it's contents.
i wore my hair in pippi longstocking style
donning 'fine and dandy' garage sale attire.
they were not lining up at the drive
nor did i require more than two hands to count the customers.
however i used my time wisely
and got it 'back on' with Mr Hook
that alone made the morning worthwhile.

over the past few days Miss Ethel has been earning her keep,
and hopefully a few sprightly crocheted garlands will be in the window shortly.
i am holding onto high hopes with the 'shortly bit',
as my computer is putting in another strike, probably because of Mr Shark.
(i am thinking it maybe time to name my computer)
so once again i shall use my patience where patience is needed
and hope tomorrow, having gone through a christening ceremony
my computer will feel a little more like sharing with me.

on another note,
and one that may cause some distress,
especially for any forsaken little souls waiting on the shelves of despair
who happen to be reading this ramble.
i am imagining when the lights are switched off and the doors are locked,
they hop off the shelves and go about for a little wander.
indeed it is most possible they come across a computer
somewhere out back in the stock room and cleverly turn it on...
perhaps because of that very reason
i should not tell what i am about to tell.
then again, if i tell in a whisper perhaps it will be okay.

i have been to the thrift store three times
since my thrifting buddy moved out of the shed.
all three times the pickings were total pants.

i am now wondering if Our #1
was my lucky thrift store charm
and without her by my side,
i have lost my rose colored spectacle vision
and with it,
the ability to spot a forsaken soul with potential has disappeared.

she is wishing you a really splendidly peachy weekend filled with crafty goodness and perhaps a little forsaken soul of your own ~ Tif


  1. oooooo i am LOVIN' your new banner! so very fru fru which is speaking to me in a very fun will be at my mother's next weekend hosting our garage sale! talk about forsaken souls!!! oh have you on the east coast! 50+ years of goodies to go up for sale as we begin the process of selling off so that she can downsize to the farm with us!! yay! mother-in-law suite to be built this fall/ many forsaken souls to be adopted...what a fun post, and don't lose heart...there are many out there as well just waiting for you to unearth them!

  2. Hello Miss Tiff,
    on what is an early - and for the time being less sunny than promised - Saturday. I just read your tweet and have come to share a couple of thoughts.
    So, I'm sorry for the turn out of the garage sale and Mr sun having been stubborn and shy and not having come out the proper way.
    You and your inspired creations deserve all the subshine you can get, despite carrying a certain brigthness of your own.

    As for your considered lucky partner, it might as well have been that your little forsaken soul is missing her badly and is rebelling against being at the right place, the right time without her.

    All shall be fine and for this and the love that I feel everytime I come across your creations, I'm wishing you to have the peachiest of weekends with lots of sunshiny sunshine in your heart.

    Warm regards from a rather lazy Ivy in bed xx :)

  3. I am having trouble with the charity shops here...
    No.1 They are becoming so expensive.
    No.2 All the good stuff has gone...Where I ask?

  4. in my experience, tif, computers respond most healthily to a little naming ceremony. Miss Mary Mac and i have had a long and mutually respectful relationship. best wishes! x

  5. Perhaps you need to take a photo of #1 with you so that at least you can take it out if you see something you think you might like and have a discussion with her/photo about said item. If your 'thrift' shops are anything like our 'charity' shops, no body will think you are in the least odd ...

  6. Dear Tif
    It may be that because you have become so utterly famous, being in books and such like... that forsaken souls and thrifted goodness is now very popular and is plucked off the shelves and being adopted at great speed.
    May you persist in your search and find treasure where others have yet to look.

  7. beautiful new header! it´s so cute!

  8. Perhaps a little token of #1 must be taken along while thrifting, say a ribbon in your pocket or a stone she loved? That might turn the tide of junk into gold. Try, try again :)

  9. Oh I love that little "bench" you re did.
    Any tips on doing the cover. I have the same just in a footstool version and can not wait to cover it.
    Love your blog!

  10. well, my experience with antiquing has always been feast or famine. Meaning, I will either totally find a bunch of cool things and want to get them all, or I'll go and there will be absolutely nothing that must be mine. So hopefully, it's just a matter of time before you walk in and the angels start singing and you come home with newly adopted happy forsaken souls.

  11. Those bags are so pretty. I just love the fabric choices you make. The way they work together is so lovely!

  12. Too bad I wasn't close enough for a look see at your garage sale, I might have found some treasures. Anyway, I think you will find your thrifty groove once again. Since your #1 left, things (I imagine) have been different. While not the same groove as you had with #1, I'm betting that you will find another little lost soul and all will be well again. Maybe you should ask #1 to find a little lost soul on her end and send it back to you as a charm. Good luck!

  13. Hi Tiff,You made my day to today!I fell in love with your fly boots and moved heaven and earth to get myself a pair...Now I see we are wearing the same clarks sandles,wow feel better now who copyed off who here?....Love your words of wisdom and your wardrobe....Maria (Old Blighty) blogger....

  14. I hear you. I was at one time the thrift queen of my wee town. They would see me coming and lay out the goods... proclaim with excitement on how they had just found the most adorable this in the back of storage, or had held back a pretty little that in the case I were to stop by. Then came the new management. And the new management has a new trick up each sleeve, including the one where they are aware that I covet these goods, so each time I visit now, the tag reads fifty cents more. They are trying to see what I will top out at, I am sure, but in the mean time, it is feeling less and less like a treasured find. Making me sad.

  15. Fear not, Tif, the mojo comes and goes but I am optimistic that the Thrify Gods have not forsaken you permanently :)

  16. keep thrifting you will get your vintage mojo back I am sure!!! : )

  17. oh you are all so wise indeed!
    i think i will heed your advices and just give it time...

    anon Maria in old blighty! my cloggy sandals were the most fabby gift from my mother. she knew they were perfectly suited to my pasty pins! i am now donning them with wooly tights and indeed i am most delighted with their cloggy sandalness!!! so happy to hear you found some fly boots :)
