
Tuesday, August 31

snippets of...

it is raining today and tres gloomy,
the rain and gloominess matches the mood within the shed.
alas school starts tomorrow and with it
comes the horrible feeling of summer ending
and 'back to reality' has enveloped us somewhat.

but even in the most gloomiest of settings,
small miracles can occur.
i am most partial to a small miracle or two,
what i like best of all,
is when they appear when one is not looking.

yes indeedy, i was resigned to Carlos my camera going to his resting place,
i spent over three hours researching cameras and reading feedback.
after three hours i must say i was none the wiser...
i read all the blurb and all the wisdom written by knowledgeable folk.
and every time a camera came up trumps,
with all it's capability for simple camera users such as myself,
it always let me down by either being so hefty i needed to add 'pumping iron' to my latest keep fit regime,
or it was so petite i was having trouble actually finding it on the screen i was reading.

that was friday night,
on saturday morning the light in the shed was most pleasing.
the clan were missing and i was itching.
not itching in an unsociable way that random passer-bys may not wish to see
but itching to continue my 'perfectly peachy finds in retrospect' series.

showcasing all the lovely forsaken souls who have come my way over the past year,
letting them know how much i care for them.
how despite being discarded by others,
they make me happy in all their peachy second hand goodness
which in it's self is rather nice of them.

and that, dearest readers is when a small miracle happened inside the shed,
i do not believe this time a chorus of angels gathered outside the front door
nor do i recall a bright light of glory shining down upon the shed's roof.
just the sound of little olive and Used Dog's tippity tapping paws on the wood floor,
'the ping' of a tired camera coming back to life
and a lone voice, quite off key
and belonging to a woman living in suburbia singing "hallelujah hallelujah"

the rest of the day past in a blur of wonderful moments,
Carlos was on tippity top form, indeed better than his younger years
and my forsaken little souls positively beamed with all the attention they received.

i have quite the way to go with recording their pretty selves
and indeed all the fabrics i have stashed away in cupboards all over the shed.
but for now, whilst Our Carlos has decided to delay his retirement,
we shall continue our new found friendship.
i promise from this day forth to treat him with care and respect
and if ever he appears to become a little 'iffy',
just sit him down in front of my computer screen
and pull up the browser for new cameras.

she is aware of a pesky little mousey living under the stairs ~ Tif


  1. Awww...the green plastic colander is the same one my mother still uses.

    Mmmm, I'm glad Carlos is still able to have some lucid moments. Maybe it will have to be like the established doggy accepting a new Whipper Snapper in the shed.

  2. Hurrah for Carlos! I am so pleased to hear that he has pulled himself together. Onwards and upwards! jx

  3. hip hip hooray! i know this news is just tippity top! so happy to hear the good carlos news and know that he will do his very best to make you look good....he always does!

  4. I LOVE your pictures! You come up with such creative ideas! So glad your camera is up and working again.


  5. Hello, what a charming blog, so fresh! , I had a little doggy like that as a child! x Terry

  6. Carlos is indeed back to his wonderful self - such gorgeous pictures. I'm delighted to find I'm not the only one to have a soft spot for old pastel plastic colanders. I'd been under the impression that this was a lonely passion of mine. Wrong, as usual, Arthur.

  7. I so adore your snippets! Your pictures seem to brighten my mornings...I actually remember seeing quite a few of your vintage items at my Busia's house growing up. Thank you!

  8. Horray for dear old Carlos. Perhpas he had had enough of the small island and decided it was time to go home? Needed a little holiday himself the poor chap. Glad he is back to form again.

  9. How wonderful, Carlos has recovered from his breakdown. Perhaps it wasn't so much a breakdown as jet lag. Hei s certainly back on form, lovely photos of your forsaken souls.
    We see plenty of mice here, usually of the expired or twitching variety thanks to our "aren't I clever, look what I've caught Mum" cats.

  10. Oh Carlos and his funny attention-seeking ways! He really has gotten a second-wind with all your lovely treasure-snapping. The tinware and the lovely pull-along toys made me go YAY! Thankfully no-one was here to make me feel strange or explain. I have just come home with a thrifted wooden monkey with articulated arms and legs .....

  11. Hallelujah! Beautiful pictures, and a fabulous recovery.

    Best wishes.

  12. You write so eloquently. We so need our cameras, we bloggers. I am simply lost without mine. It isn't an expensive one, but it is indeed my friend.

  13. Ooh - I used to have that same pull-a-long dog. Happy days.

  14. It is gloomy here also. But I have to say that your pictures have brightened my day. So glad you are back from being gone so ever long. I also have made a crochet blanket for myself while you were gone. It is far from perfect but it's for me for once and it makes me smile. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  15. yeah Carlos! we knew you could do it!

  16. ha ha, hee hee! thank you my lovelies, delighted that i am not alone with giving such finds a forever home :)
    as for monkeys with little wooden arms and legs tralala, well i have just finished taking mines little picture on a purple flowery background and they look a treat indeed! i too feel you 'YAY' !

    delighted to know blankets are coming along nicely, i need to start a new one... my hands are idle at soccer practice and that will never do!

  17. Wonderful news! I love that 'Carlos' has decided those adorable thrifty finds should not be captured by a new camera just yet. I just love the peachy colors and items you curated for us.

  18. This was fantastic to read!!! And what am I glad that Carlos decided to behave so that we could take part in these glorious treasures!!! This is a great blog, and I just have to continue to read it! Hope it'd okay:)

  19. i am a big fan of your selections. so playful and noisy but very special and romantic.

  20. I'm glad Carlos has recovered. I was all set to recommend the G11 until I read he was feeling better. I had to comment today because I had both of those pull toys as a little girl. I'm 31 1/2 now. It's amazing the memories that image called to mind!

  21. Oh Carlos...
    You were truly missed...
    But you are back in full form I think...
    in amazing colour and style...
    Dear hushed tones...Do you think you maybe able to find the same Carlos...that is not so to speak...I think ebay might have a few...I am always amazed at the colour and light that carlos has...and really wish I could find a camera that gives a great picture like he always has.
    Here I am with my new fancy camera and I still can't manage to get the light right...
    Just a thou...
    P.S...LOVE your pretty pics!!!

  22. Lets hope that Carlos has got his act together now now he's seen you looking at younger models! Penny x

  23. thank you for the Carlos love my dearies and your kind words on my forsaken souls pictures :)

  24. fun blog post. great photos. love all the pretty colors and lovely items. enjoy your day.

  25. what a delightful post! I DO remember that those doggy's were so sweet, the tails waggled as they were pulled. . . Won't you tell me if he's related to the fp telephone on Toy Story 3 and that most given away toy, the pushalong popcorn popping mower, please?

  26. Oh these pictures! Such an idea to report your finds over the year! You have the bestest ideas and I cannot believe it has been a year already....
    And before I forget to say: I do love this birdie tree!

  27. yes indeedy the little doggie and bee are fisher price sweeties :)

    and my year is nearly up! not quite yet though and i will be rambling on about it over the coming weeks... it has been a while since i talked about it and long overdue!

  28. oh dottie - what a post! (glad carlos is back on track!) first, a little tray like my mom had, then the little f.p. doggie my oldest boy loved, and then BUZZIE BEE - just like i had (and i'm much closer to 60 than 50! now my grandson plays with both... toys used to be made to last...and then - the colander my mom used! thank you for a brief and lovely trip into my past!
