
Tuesday, April 13

rain stops play...

it is a bit like Wimbledon i feel today...
rain has stopped play,
i wish to continue on from yesterdays high hopes
but alas the rain will not allow,
for what is a post about a 'homemade handmade' frock
if it lacks pretty pictures.

for indeed we are all about the pictures are we not...
so for now all i can tell you is,
a small miracle happened within mossy shed yesterday.
with the help of Miss Ethel,
the 'homemade handmade' gods smiled down upon me
a dress was born
and yes,
glory and disbelief shone all around...

but for now,
between my 'high hopes' posts
i have none other than the fabulous,
Sir Cliff Richard
to entertain us whilst we wait out the rain.
which i think is terribly wonderful of him at such short notice.
so without further ado...

she will indeed be back, weather permitting, donned in her 'small miracle' tomorrow ~ Tif


  1. noooooooooo not sir cliff, i for one am happy to wait in the rain in silence if that's alright? maybe even twiddle my thumbs for entertainment... forth and back, yes definitely no need for sir cliff for me.

  2. Err, rain may have stopped play (happens in Cricket too, don'tcha know),but your stitches are perfeck, and your iron was obviously hot. Carry on and don't panic, hehehe.


    Anne (

  3. I am so pleased to hear about your miracle! Of course there was no doubt at all that you would be able to achieve one!
    Just in that little snippet I can see beautiul finishing!
    I cannot wait to see your newly born dress!!
    Rachel x

  4. Mr P looked over my shoulder as I opened this post. 'Is that some pants?' he asked. Pants or not I am excited to see the results of the latest Tif/Ethel collaboration.

  5. What a teasy little snippet of a picture of your new dress, I await with breath a baited for the full reveal.

    Sue xx

  6. Looking lovely so far, hope the weather improves for you...

  7. Can't wait to see it - I find I'm actually singing along with Cliff!!, right now -even though it's 1.15!! - must be an age thing - Soo happy with my Dottie Angel bag - sorry I haven't thanked you before! - xxx

  8. okay, the sir cliff richard part just killed me. really that's the best thing i've seen all week, possibly all month! thanks for that :)
    also, congratulations on your dress making abilities and the wonderful feeling that comes along with accomplishing something of the nature.
    i myself am in a mood for sewing today. unfortunately i do not know what i want to sew and am staring at my fabric remnants...

  9. Oh lordy please no, I am happy to wait for high-hopes-dress-posts in silence rather than have Sir Richard of Cliff abusing my ears!
    Other than that, fine posting meh deah.

  10. This is just teasing us Tif :0) We're waiting with baited breath here for the reveal....
    Mind you, as long as I also don't have to listen to Sir Cliff......I'll be o.k. for another day...
    Enjoy your day Tif....

  11. I can't wait to see! The edges are lovely, I'll tell you that much.

  12. I luv the dress~ i just stumbled upon your blog and I'm happy I found it!
