
Tuesday, November 3


yes, that's what i'm doing today dearest readers... i am beavering away with the help of Miss Ethel and my trusty hook, Mr Hook.
i am looking to add a few wares to my little store by the end of the week...
amongst my picture offerings for your perusal today, i have my little 'everyday' tags

if i were to tell you that they are not just any old 'ordinary everyday' tags for they hold a secret,
you may perhaps be thinking that Tif has finally flipped her lid.
and that maybe quite so,
but i like to think that my little set of 'everyday' tags are so much more than just 'tags', thus being 'multifunctional' and we all know how we love a bit of 'multifunctional' in our lives.

for these little sweeties can be placed upon the wall

brightening up a little area and then when all is said and done, the party is over, quite frankly you are bored with them (if there ever comes a time, of course you may never bore with them, choosing to live together forever and ever. which pleases me greatly)
but just in case you do find 'boredom' at some point, then take them down, locate your little bit of yarn they travelled to your door in and the voila! cut it into strips, add the yarn to the tags and use them to cheer up a package for a friend. i don't think really one can ask much more of an 'ordinary looking' little tag with special powers...

i'm quite happy with how they turned out.
also joining them, will be a garland or two made from recycled yarn and barkcloth,

a couple of 'rambling' frames similar to this one,

and more sets of 'every eventuality' cards,
i do believe it will be a nice little update for my empty shelves

she will be back tomorrow with the sorrowful tale of a 'crocheted circle' and her inabilities to stay 'in the round' ~ Tif


  1. I hope your tale won't be too sorrowful - round isn't everything, you know and angular has attractions of its own.

    Pomona x

  2. hi tif :)

    love the tags!
    i have ordered the every eventuality cards from you and i am SOOOOO looking forward to get them and to hang them on my wall for inspiration and joy...a gift to myself :)

    warm hugs

  3. oh those tags are so lovely! I also took a peek at your shop...very sweet! Love the bowls!

  4. Yes they do look nice on your wall. I wuold find it hard to write a note on them, being such lovely little specimens. I like your background card on the tags too.

  5. everyday tags to go with my set of every eventuality cards...too cool!!!
    can't wait to see them in your shop...
    At the moment I am trying to make a tif garland from your tutorial...
    It is coming along...nicely...

  6. Hi! Kathy B. (your close neighbor) told me that I MUST visit your lovely blog. And I am so glad that I did! You are SOO creative and inspirational! Off to check out your Etsy store - one of my favorite shopping places! OX Monika

  7. hoooray for tif, ethel & hook! love the tags & i will diligently lurk around the shop in the next few days:D

  8. oh, how lovely you have been to my little 'unordinary' tags (as i must call them from now on), to my little shop and to me in general... i shall away to my bed feeling 'warmed' inside :)

  9. The tags are wonderful and I love how you tied them up so beautifully with the simplest of yarn. Your work is definitely an inspiration. And your writing brings a smile to my face every time I visit. What a joy to stumble upon your creative little space. But then again, I didn't actually stumble -- I came from another blog who highly recommended the visit and I'm so glad I did. Best wishes, :) Tammy

  10. Holy smokes your things are so good!
    Lady, you are so clever. Amazing.

  11. Your tags is just lovely.
    Enjoy your day.

  12. T's daily treasures, i'm glad you stumbled :)

    toni and jus, i am delighted to have 'holy smokes' and 'crikey dick' posted in my comments... it certainly has brighted it up no end. i do think i am going to try and say 'crikey dick' tomorrow at some point during the day and see what reaction i get... i'm thinking the chickens won't bat an eye, but perhaps at the grocery store it may raise a 'brow or two' :)

  13. looks like a great blog - i am pkeased to have found it...

  14. gorgeous miss Tif, such a cute idea and very colourful too... you are certainly on a roll at the moment... :)


  15. I suddenly have a realisation of the utmost kind at weekend and immediately thought of you. I have been lusting after a round crocheted cushion for ages but can not bring myself to stump up the cash to buy one.I had added it to my must-learn-to-do pile along with a vintage round cushion crochet pattern. Anyway whilst my crochet savvy Grandma was here for a family meal she picked up said cushion and within a second my plan was hatched.Oh yes I will soon be the owner of a cushion crocheted with love.Lucky me!

  16. Write Positive, Encouraging thoughts on the "unseen" portion of the tags before you sew them...and they'll definitely contain Secret Treasures! LOVE THESE TAGS and your incredibly unique sense of beauty and romantic vintage style! It's magical and lovely.

  17. These tags are wonderful, creative! I love them!
