
Thursday, March 27

leaving on a jet plane...

i am not sure how i am going to pull this one off...spring break is here and we are heading off for a few days. normally it would be a case of shoving a few things in bags and heading out the door. but not this time, this time we are going on a 'big' trip...a trip my man has been planning for a while, one that involves important things like 'insect repellent' and 'anti diarrhea' tablets...

you see dear readers when i met my man many moons ago, he was a 'traveller' if you will. in between the 'studying' and 'work' hours he took his free spirit and followed it to far off lands with just a few pennies in his hand and a backpack for his belongings...
i on the other hand am a 'nester'. i like my 'home' and try as i might am not good at just throwing caution to the wind and 'winging' it out in the big wide for many a year my man has made do with small road trips and flying across the pond every now and then to see his folks.

but then last summer he turned 40 and announced with the arrival of such a big number plus the knowledge that soon his little flock would start to leave the nest it was time we had a 'life experience' like no other...something we will look back on in years to come, to share some memories.
he started to plan where we could possibly go to get such an experience... it didn't take long before he found it. tomorrow we will be carrying our little backpacks onto a plane destined for the rain forests of Costa stay in little huts in a place that i have only ever seen on the discovery channel and even then it was only a short bit. once they started talking about spiders the size of dinner plates i changed the channel and made a mental note to have boots on my feet and a hat on my head at all times...

so the contractors have moved out for a week and i am left rustling together six peoples worth of stuff and wondering "why oh why" did i not start to 'beachify' my body several weeks ago. eighteen hours is not enough time to pull off a miracle when it comes to a pasty winterized fuzzy body...the one thing i have going in my favor, when i take off my glasses i don't see fine detail therefore i can not see the 'jungle' upon my legs nor notice the 'sagging' bottom that i was suppose to 'tone up' with the help of 'used dog' and our walks..

i must away to the list as long as my arm, try not to be 'nervous as hell', remember that this is a 'life time opportunity' and most importantly, not forget to pack my razor...

she's wishing you well for the next week or so ~ Tif


  1. You are going to have a ball! I have 2 friends here in Scotland from Costa Rica and the photos and stories from their country always amaze me. One is hoping to move back to CR soon and I will definitely go and visit! The scenery and the wildlife are spectacular!!

    I hope that you love it!!

  2. how wonderful tif, we did costa rica on our central american trip, i wonder where you're going exactly.

    i am both a traveller and a homebody. we are constantly planning trips for when the little one flies the nest...only about 16 years to go!

    have a wonderful time.

  3. Oh how fun. My hubby is from Costa Rica and I lived there for 2 years. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time!! It's gorgeous there and the people are all really friendly. Have a great trip!

  4. Costa Rica- wow! have an amazing time.

  5. Wow, that sounds fab. I'm a coward when it comes to travelling, I like the safety of package holidays, but if I could go with an experienced traveller then there are lots of places I'd like to visit. Trust your man to take care of you, you're going to have a brilliant time. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  6. Tif, amazing ! we are married to similar men. mine , used his thumb to cross the u.s.a., back when people would give you a ride, his favorite place. the wilderness of northern California. that may not sound so hard. but, try it footing up mountains, with no one with you and stay up there by your self, just enjoying your own company and all the wonderful world around you. and me, i love the comforts of home. why he fell in love with me, i do not know. but, he was up there ,his last visit to this date, and a voice kept nagging him. call amy, he came down from that mountain
    & the rest is history.

    Tif, you are going to have such a wonderful time, put your faith in your man, he knows what he is doing. go with it.
    p.s. bring lots of wipes.

  7. my husband used to live in costa rica also!! he lived on penisula
    osa...of tif it's so beautiful!

    have fun and take lots of pictures for us..

    xo laura

  8. i wish you a wonderful trip!

    may you come across no gigantic spiders :-)

  9. Sounds Amazing!!
    Happy Holidays x

  10. Have a great time and remember not to scare the spiders,

  11. I'm sure it'll be an amazing trip. Isn't Costa Rica onethird covered by rainforest or something? I'm very envious... Have a great time Tif. :)

  12. Hey, have fun!

    Look forward to chatting more when you are back

    Vintage Vacations

  13. It all sounds wonderfully exotic, hope you have a super trip !

  14. Wow, have a great time!! My sister went to Costa Rica last summer and had a blast. I'm sure you'll love it!

  15. Have fun friend! I now that you will find a way to "fluff a nest" even in Costa Rica!

  16. I am certain you will have a great time and an experience to remember. You will love the whole coming home thing even more.

  17. Safe journey!
    Hope you've packed that black slip to wear on your travels ... yay!


  18. What an amazing trip to take to create those wonderful family memories. Now I simply MUST see you when you get back, so we can share tea and talk about your travels, and of course I can unload this material I've been saving for you since Christmas. It's been far too long!

  19. good for all of you! have a super time. i hear costa rica is fabulous! can't wait to hear all about it, and, i really hope you don't meet any spiders the size of dinner plates--at least not by surprise.eek.

  20. Good luck, Tif. We're taking our four to Chile and Argentina for a month next Feb - the youngest will be 8 then, and it will be time to start wing-spreading and seeing all the wonderful world has to offer. I love my home, but I love coming back to it best of all!

  21. What an adventure!Hope you have a wonderful time!

  22. Tif, I was out of town visiting my family for several days for my sister's wedding, and missed a chance to wish you a great trip! I look forward to hearing all about your amazing experience when you return! :)

  23. sounds fantastic tif,
    it must have something to do with hitting the big 40. as i have always been a nester and now that i am reaching 40 this year i feel the desire to pack my bags and take myself and family to paris.
    something i have thought about since i was very young {its a bit of a Audrey Hepburn thing} but have always been plain scared to do.I really don't like flying.
    have a great time...

  24. In Jan this year, my husband and I left our 3 children at home and headed back to his home country of NZ for 3 weeks. I was dreading it...the flying, the leaving, their summer (white, hairy legs, wobbly tummy = summer clothes..not!)But we had the most fantastic time. Really, really good and I don't regret it for a second. You will have some wonderful family moments/memories and just think of what you can blog about when you come back!
    Have a wonderful time..xx
