
Wednesday, November 7

the one about Mossy Shed...

i have been to see the gray house today, or as our #2 fondly refers to it, 'the shed' (remember she is fourteen so therefore has been possessed) has been over three weeks since i have been there and it felt good to have a look around and confirm all my thoughts of "this could go there" and "wouldn't that be a great wall for vintage wallpaper".

this morning eating breakfast with our #3 and #4, we were discussing 'the shed' and the fact that it may look like it is a field of grass out the back but actually it is mainly moss. and so our #4 decided that we should name the house 'Mossy Shed'...and after he had decided that he also decided that we would paint a sign "just like mabear has on her house" (mabear is my mum, just in case you were wondering). so that is settled i feel, if and when we ever do get to live in the gray house it will be named Mossy Shed.

the thing i like about the neighborhood around Mossy Shed is the eclecticness (is there such a word) of the is a whole mix of different houses and families, i really do think we will feel far more at home there than we do here. after all we will be allowed to keep chickens and have an airstream parked out front, and we all know where i am living now that is a big "NO NO"...

the first time we found Mossy Shed we toured the neighborhood to get a feel of the place and i knew we would feel right at home when our #4 exclaimed as he looked out the window "look, do you see that, well i have never seen anything like it in all my born days (i just love it when they come out with phases like that) it's a car completely covered in ivy" and then he turned to me and asked "do you think they will let me play in it if i live near by?"

so we must continue to keep our fingers and toes crossed that a buyer for our house will soon turn up on the doorstep and that at some point in the future i can make Mossy Shed our the meantime i have plans to have the shop open again next week, just for a little while, as we sit and wait for 'our buyer'...

she's fallen in love with 'Miss Ethel' ~ Tif


  1. I just thought you might like to read this:

    I truly believed that's how I sold my house in NY 2 years ago after a couple of weeks of 'asking for his help'. I wanted it to mention about it before, but I didn't want to look like a 'crazy weirdo',but this article was in the news last week, so well, hope it helps.
    Take care!

  2. monica, you are not a 'crazy weirdo' trust me, my very good friend Kathleen has told me about this before and swears by it...(am i allowed to say 'swears' when talking about this subject :)

    if the pot pourri (yes you read it right and it is very scary that i have been buying such things) does not work, along with the plush cushions and other 'autumnble' items i am staging around my house then i think it might be time i buried myself a statue....

  3. so glad you are going to reopen the shop.

    is it me or is the grey house starting to sound like it's in a hippy san francisco neighbourhood circa 1969?...a car covered in ivy?

  4. In a recent Gardens Illustrated there was a car with a sedum roof (it was in a garden of a man who sells sedum rfoofs ) - it looked very cute - I considered it for our St John's Ambulance which gets more mossy each year. Mind you the ivy might be better.
    I love sheddy houses - you don't get many here.

  5. All houses should have names, and I love Mossy Shed.

  6. I'm very happy that you will be opening your shop again. Can't wait for you to move into the Mossy Shed. I love that name!

  7. yay for moss and shopping!
    tracy x

  8. Not sure about Mossy Shed as a permanent name.... is it empty or are the current owners minimalists?

  9. gigibird, if i told you that the roof was covered in moss as well would that help :)

    just one man and his cat are living there, it is pretty much empty...apart from the 'staging' stuff the realtors brought in.
