
Tuesday, July 24

postcard #6...

i've been caught up in a whirlwind romance for the past week...when i arrived in London i headed straight to the nearest pub, it must have been destiny as behind the bar was the 'love of my life' just waiting for me...

i asked her where she had been all my life, she was speechless, i feel it must have been the american accent and my good looks...cupid had sent his arrow and i was smitten. i dumped Tif and spent the rest of the week sweet talking my new love. she turned out to be a single mum working in a pub trying to make ends meet, i promised her a life of untold riches...

we eloped to Gretna Green catching a ride in a lorry full of Walkers Crisps (what luck), the rain stopped for one magical afternoon so i could wed my bride in in the words of 80's band Madness i leave you with postcards from our wedding day...

it must be love, love, love

it must be love, love, love

nothing more,

nothing less,

love is the best...

living happily ever after with his bride and ready made family ~ a pesky gnome


  1. What a wonderful turn of events! Congratulations you newlyweds, best of luck to your new happy family!

  2. my you've done well there gnome, what a beauty. and what a trouper you are bringing up another gnome's child...good on ya!

  3. What I want to know is, just how large is this pesky gnome you are lugging around the British Isles?

  4. I hope he's happy. Luckily for that lady, she already had a cute little one and they don't have to reproduce. Hmmmmm....

  5. Congratulations Pesky Knome to you, your beautiful bride and your new daughter. True love conquers all.

  6. Pesky Gnome. I am not surprised that you managed to attract such a beautiful wife given that hidden talent of yours. I am amazed that you have not shown it off to all Tif's "dear readers". You know what I'm talking about - go on - 'glow'. Dx

  7. Congrats. Now go to a pub and celebrate.

  8. Perfectly darling and delightful.

  9. Hi I've been reding your blog for a while now and never left a comment. My friend Tracy from cupcakes has you on hers and I sneaked a look and hooked.
    My little Molly loves the gnome photos, she calls out it's gorden lol thats a gnome from Cbeebies.

    Look forward to your shop reopening, I'll be puting in an order very soon, just can't make my mind up yet.
    Take care
    Catherine x

  10. i absolutely love your profile story and the postcards from the gnome {giggle}
    i've linked in here from belle&boo and i'm delurking because i've tagged you and i hope you'll play along because i think that would be a lot of fun ;-)
    follow my link...
    i've asked mandy to join in too!
