
Saturday, July 7

postcard #3...

Tif has asked me to tell you a couple of things...

that is not true, what i said pesky gnome is "i would like to do a post if i could" and you told me that i had made it quite clear that i would not be posting on my blog until July 30th and have proceeded to get in the way of the keyboard...

well that's life, this is my blog for the next few weeks and you can only talk to the readers through me..ha ha hee let me continue dear readers while Tif goes off and eats a lot of Cadbury's chocolate and Walkers crisps while watching Live Earth...

it would seem that Tif has had two exciting things happen since her arrival in Cambridge...firstly, today they had a French Market right in the middle of a British City...she could not believe her good luck and raced over, dragging four children and carrying me with her. to her delight it had a load of old stuff plus cheese, fruits etc...she tested her French summer sac, it held up a treat and even managed to carry a small weary child...

her second exciting bit of news is that the good people at Cambridge City Council have obviously taken kindly to women who wish to wear 'pretty sweet' wedges this summer and installed railings on any slopey areas near the shops..this is wonderful news and she feels it is a very good use of tax payers money...

anyhow that is enough chat about Tif, let's talk about me...

i did have a bit of luck with a couple of birds i picked up at the French Market after i put up my little sign, but they really weren't my type...
but as they say "beggars can't be choosers" so i'll take what i can get at the moment

off to fresher hunting grounds in Devon tomorrow...

waiting for a bus ~ a pesky gnome


  1. i honestly don't know what to say!

  2. blah blah blah

    "do not panic dear readers this is Tif testing her disabling comment thingy so that you can leave comments while i am away from the computer...not sure that made sense but that's nothing new"


  3. "okay so have no idea if it will work so off to test it after i have signed out" i know i really am a bright spark at times :)

  4. "oooh i am just crap at these things...i can't do it, just forget i ever mentioned anything about comments and enabling...sigh see you in a few days"

  5. Dear Pesky Gnome,
    I don't wish to be too awfully harsh, but I do wonder how you expect to attract a female gnome when you are so awfully pale. I think perhaps you need a bit of color to enhance your appearance and make you stand out more. Perhaps a plaid pair of trousers, or a feather in your hat?

  6. i'll help you tif...testing, testing
    xo laura

  7. now listen here Mr Pesky - please let Tif have her say, she is rather more interesting than you (i think it may have something to do with your height!)
    and i have to agree with the other comment - you are far too pale to attract a pretty english gnome - you had better find yourself some suitable attire as at the moment you look a little like bird poo whilst standing next to the bus stop!
    tracy x

  8. funny gnome...what a great idea..visiting blogger who happens to be a gnome, wish i thought of these things!

  9. I still cannot believe you brought a light-up gnome to England with you...the birds are hilarious. I love these entries.

  10. i agree, mr. gnome needs a great hat or something else stylish... perhaps you could fashion him something on the run.

    wren :)

  11. It's all to do with "elf & Safety" don't you know, "they" are obsessed with it in the UK, "they" will have done a risk assessment and decided that someone walking in pretty sweet wedges might just slip on the slopey areas, so handrails are an essential piece of street hardware :). Well "they" have to justify their very well paid by the tax payer jobs don't they! Good to have you in the UK, seems like you'll have typical summer weather, at least you've had some sunshine for a couple of days. Have fun in Devon, a beautiful part of the country.
