
Friday, June 1

Tif, her wee strawberry daiquiri and some tagging...(about blim'en time)

ah ha, once again the weekend is upon us and you find Tif sitting at her desk drinking a wee strawberry daiquiri, (it is safe to proceed as i have only just started on it). so strange, as in my younger 'youth' years i was a 'pint of cider' kind of girl...but through the years of child rearing i turned away from the drink. it just truly did not mix and so now i choose to drink those 'pop' alcoholic drinks, you can't taste the alcohol but they do the 'job' just fine...

it's been really quite a surreal week, it started off quiet and slow after the article, but as each day passed it has become more and more hectic...and as i was sitting at Mrs. S. Machine this morning i started thinking (i do all my thinking while sewing, it's a bit like therapy but cheaper)...i started my little blog to talk about creative things and people that inspire me, but all i seem to have done is talk about myself and the things that happen to me...and although i haven't stayed true to my intentions, it has really enabled me to see the funny side of things where before it would have seemed frustrating or tiresome. it's made me take more notice of things that are happening to me and my family and best of all i have got to know you 'dear readers' if you are happy to keep on reading it, then i am happy to keep on telling it...

this morning everything felt a bit overwhelming, but as the day is finishing i have caught up on things, even managed to list a few new slips and finish up some custom orders...all around me is chaos, which will get picked up tomorrow, possibly the day after or just never...
and on days like this, i get that feeling like when you were a kid and your mum could make it all better. even at my age now, i know if she walked through the door, she would make it better...but she lives across the pond, so instead she sends me 'care packages', not one, not two but when you walk around in your 'dottie angel' slip you can be sure it has been made by me, but a lot of the materials that go into it have been sourced 'with love' by her...

like all mothers, she asks for nothing in return, but winging it's way across the pond is 'a bucket bag' made just for her...

and before i leave you i shall pass on the 'tagging', i've taken so frigging long over this that most of the blogs i read have been tagged weeks back, but here is my list...some maybe new to you, and some old, but please visit, they are all good people doing good things...

mrs eliot books ~ janet clare ~ english vintage ~ gigibird

so tread softly ~ go green, go barefoot ~ hear tasha roar

thinking i'll see you on 'late Mon, early Tues' next week...hope you don't mind ~ Tif
(blast those pesky lines, they always have the last laugh)


  1. Thank goodness! Now I have something to write about. I've been suffering writer's block you know. Keep bloggin' on Tif, because you know it's the only thing I have to look forward to before bed~

  2. My Mum also sends me care packages. I get vintage lace and sewing patterns, Kleenex Mansized Tissues and Yorkshire Teabags. Gigibird (friend from my home town) also keeps me supplied with teabags. What would we do without those good people?

    'Thanks' for the tagging. Do I mean that? Hmmm, we Brits are never anything but polite. I was tagged a few months ago but I've just posted a little more about it.

    Am clinking my glass of NZ Chardonnay against your strawberry daiquiri. Cheers!

  3. Dear Tif, it's taken so long for you to finish your tags (as you know), that I had to plonk my son in front of his 'spot the dog' dvd in order to scour your archives to find the first post on it, so I knew what to do!
    That was a very long sentence.

  4. Thanks (?) Tif! I guess I can call myself a real blogger now i've been tagged. I shall rack my brains for 7 interesting things about me...oh heck!

  5. Well yeah... I'll shamefully admit that I did prepare ahead of time. It's like at the Oscars, when they say "OmiGOD, I can't believe I've WON!" and then they pull their acceptance speech out and it's nicely typed and double spaced and on letterhead and all that. I mean, not that I've seen that, but what I've done is akin to that. I do have some anal retentive tendencies you know, it's been trained in to me!

  6. well, only a week into blogging and I've been tagged. Thanks Tif and hello fellow tagees! Myabe we can start a commpetition to see if we can draw ours out for longer than Tifs! 7 interesting things eh? hmn, let me ponder.....Tif there is still that story of a Cambridge Evening News photo shoot that I noticed you failed to mention in your photo experiences story, maybe its time to lift the lid on that one!!!!

  7. that's the problem when knowing people from way back when, they have an annoying tendency to bring up things that you would rather keep buried...hmmmm, now let me see what i can dredge up...oh that's right 'the boot' !!

  8. Oh I do love your bucket bags - ok so I love you whole shop!! I think you are doing fine with your blog - it is amazing how it starts with the intention of being for others but then we discover how much it actually helps 'us' - I find it motivates me and clears my thoughts - which is all good!

  9. I do my best thinking while sewing too. I've been doing lots of thing lately and that is why my house is a mess. I'm glad someone else has the same problem. LOL
