
Wednesday, May 2

something old, something new...

a recipe for a dottie angel cushion ...

take one old retro tablecloth

mix in some new linen, a strip of vintage lace, a medium size bird and a small label...stir it all up on the old sewing machine, stuff in one cushion pad and you have yourself a dottie angel cushion, ready to jazz up any bare lonely sofa...

if you haven't the time or the patience, you'll find these ones in the shop

smiles Tif


  1. Gorgeous. I really like these.
    The swallow is just perfect.
    Alison x.

  2. I have just found your blog via Tree Fall and I love it. The things you make are amazing. I'll come back. Celine

  3. Guess what I'll be making tonight!? Again, thanks for the inspiration!
