
Thursday, May 10

one friend, two parcels and a whole lot of gorgeousness...

i have a friend (actually i have more than one, all equal in quirkiness and loveliness), however this tale is about my friend Kathleen (the hair is just like it!). we met three years ago and it was like we had known each other all our lives, you know how it is...kindred spirits. I shan't bore you with details, but is enough to say, we shared a passion for Noa Noa and Anthro , our boys were best friends and we spent most afternoons chatting over a nice cuppa tea. Kathleen knew the answer to any homework question my kids had, she knew more history about my home country than i ever knew. basically a really great person to be around, in fact our #1 once said "mum, how did you ever survive before Kathleen came along?" and quite honestly i didn't know...then one day my happy little suburban life was shattered, Kathleen moved to Beijing (imagine dramatic music going on in the background right now)...

anyhow, i have rambled on and you are probably half asleep ( a bit like me right now)...the point of this waffle is to paint the picture for what happened today...

out of the blue, not expecting anything at all, not one but two big parcels turned up with the mail man...and out of them came this gorgeousness

and look at those beautiful clasps for bags and purses

and these trimmings

all of this beautifulness came from the market in Beijing and it will be used for my autumn/winter collection, thank you Kathleen and next time i get a fortune cookie, i hope the fortune says "a business trip to china is on the horizon"...

before i head to my bed, ( a sofa downstairs under the sky light) i'm afraid tomorrow i will be breaking my promise...



  1. Good friends are always there no matter how far away aren't they?
    The trim is beautiful I must route out my stash and do something with it.

  2. You lucky girl - good friends are so important however far away they are x
    I just love your slips - one day i will walk proudly down the road in a dottie angel original - i shall just sit and wait - the moment will arrive!!
    Have a great weekend.
    Tracy x

  3. Gorgeous stuff! The only thing better than a great friend, is a great friend who really "gets it". Wonderful!

  4. Everything is made in China so if a friend has to be sent somewhere far away better to be somewhere that manufactures trimmings:)

    She is coming back isn’t she?

    What type of dye do you use?

  5. How positively delicious! ...and what bloggy arty chick worth her mouse doesn't have an Anthro obsession?
