
Tuesday, September 20


i did not plan on turning 43 today, no sirree. 
i planned on staying 42 for another year and then turning 44 next year. 
to me it seemed a perfectly perfect cunning plan. 
however it would appear my 'lads of three' have other plans...

whilst i wait for their return to the shed this afternoon, 
i shall spend my happy day wisely doing what i like to do best...
feeling a little crafty.



  1. I wish you the happiest of birthdays whether you celebrate 43 or a repeat of 42. Happy crafting.


  2. Have a wonderful day!

  3. A very happy birthday to you. It was my 40th on Sunday so I did what I do best - went out for lunch! We had a Sunday roast at my favourite pub and then came back home for a snuggle on the sofa with our new four legged friend. Hope you enjoyed your day of crafting. xx

  4. May you have the Happiest of Birthdays Dear Lady!! :) Your plan was first rate and I wish it could work out that way for us!!! :)

    Thank you for blessing the internet with your lovely self...your writing and creations are an inspiration!!!

  5. Feeling a little crafty on your birthday...woohoo!
    That is the best way to celebrate you turning that young.
    congratulations, hurray!

    a big birthday hug.

  6. Such a gorgeous color palette! I always love popping by to see your creative mind at work!

    xo Mary Jo

  7. Hi,
    Happy Birthday Tif!
    I love tha look of your book. It looks lovely.
    xoxo Ingrid

  8. Ohhh... LOOOOOVE everything on this pictur!!!!

  9. It's not so bad being 43! Just don't think about it too much, that's what I do and now I can't quite remember if I'm 46 or 48 (shoulders shrugging) Just keep having lots of crafting fun!
    Happy Birthday ♥

  10. Happy Birthday Tif, tssk those pesky birthdays, they get us all. Well done the lads!
    Carol xx

  11. Happy Birthday Angel Tif! May you make something perfectly delightful to celebrate your fortythreeity...It will be the most peachy of years, full of gorgeousness. Hope to see your celebratory creation on your blog. Light many candles the more you light the more wondrous they are.
    Oh, and eat cake...very good cake...

  12. Ah, but celebrating every year how absolutely amazing and fantastic you are, that is worth turning any age. Have the most spectacular day deserve it! Cheers!

  13. Happiest of birthdays my dear Tif... (yup... my 43rd is just around the corner too :(

  14. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful, WONDERFUL day!!!

  15. Happy Birthday, hope you have the loveliest of days...I thought I was going to be 43 on friday but it turns out I am already 43!!!!!...heres to cakes..candles and forgetting how old we are :) :)

  16. I'm what they would call a bit of a "lurker" around here. But I wanted to leave a note to wish you the happiest of birthdays! I hope you have a very grand day!

  17. A very Happy Birthday! As I reach back in my memory banks, I recall that 43 was a magical year...may it be for you also. xo

  18. Happy birthday!!!!! Hope you have a smashing day!!

    It's my birthday on the 24th and Mr G is taking me away for a surprise "something" for the weekend (he won't say what!!)

    I hope you will show us pics of all your pressies once you have opened them?!!

    S x

  19. Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday!

  20. Wishing you the peachiest birthday, Tif! You should certainly celebrate with some hot chocolate. xx

  21. Is it your birthday today...?! Than, CONGRATULATIONS!!!
    And what I want to tell you: I've seen your book.. and oooh... it's so very-very-very nice!!! I love it!!! (And I want it..!) My best girlfriend have got it for her birthday last week..and she was so happy with it!!
    I wish you a nice day! And all the best for the future! For next year!
    Greetings from Herma

  22. Ah, as W. S. Gilbert so wisely said "She may very well pass for 43 in the dusk with the light behind her". Happy birthday, dear Tif, 43 is nothing, believe me.

  23. * Sing Now*
    Happy Birthday to you,
    happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday dear Tif/Dottie Aaannggeell,
    Happy Birthday to you!!!

    Oh splendid, splendid!

    Happy 43rd Tif, I hope you have the most peachy, perfect day my lovely :o)

    Kindest regards as always,
    Donna xxx

    P.s. I spy a little present from Speedy....he has returned?
    Pps. I shall be emailing you some pics as soon as I load them up! :o)

  24. A very many happy returns to you Tif - 43 of them in fact. :-)

    Just a quickie if I may; I received your book a couple of days ago (pre-ordered and very swiftly posted to old blighty) - it, my dear, is an absolute delight. It is honest, well-written, inspiring and completely charming. You should be extremely proud. I read it from cover to cover last night - the last time I did that with a book was, ahem, some years ago. Keep being you and don't ever change.


    PS. I lived in Shillington when you were about 8 years old - we used to shop at Hitchin market too. Aah, nostalgia ...

  25. *H*A*P*P*Y* * *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*!*!*!* to you, Ms. Tif!
    Sounds like you have 3 great guys to make the day special for you. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  26. Congratulations!
    And what a great picture!

  27. Happy Birthday Tiff! Have a lovely day, doing exactly what you like, making lovely things!

  28. Happy Birthday! Don't eschew "43"; it's a prime number!

  29. Happy Birthday Tif...hope it's a fabulous one!!

  30. Happy birthday! I hope you are having a wonderful day :)
    What a pretty picture :)

  31. Happy Birthday!

    ♥ sécia

  32. A VERY Happy Birthday to you!! 43 is nothin'....just ask me...who turned 51 this past March!!

  33. Hippo, Birdy, Two Ewes, Hippo, Birdy, Two Ewes.........

    Love the plan Tif, unfortunately they never seem to go the way we expect.

    I was always going to stay forty something, but when I got to forty nine, I had run out of numbers so then came the ----- something.

    I'm living proof that it's not as painful as it sounds,

    Best wishes for a wonderful day and the coming year.

    Claire XX

  34. happy snappy birthday to you miss tif. enjoy your day that was made just for you only you. i love your assortment of happy birthday creations. many moons of birthday cake to you

  35. Happy Happy Birthday, believe me 53 is worse, especially when instead of getting flowers or choccies or a girly lunch out you get pancreatitis on your birfday(I'm not whinging - it was a great way to kick start my diet)
    Enjoy every minute of your day, I hope you get lots of love and attention and cuddles.


  36. HEY LADY, my birthday is tomorrow! Happy birthday to us fabulous Virgos :)

  37. Aww, happy birthday!
    I just turned 43 last month. It's not bad :)

  38. Happy
    Birthday. I hope you eat cake all day long.

  39. well what a peachy lot you truly are!!
    yep, i did not think i would say it, but is is grand to be 43, truly grand and i feel most fortunate indeed.
    i have been a little crafty and i have been a little talky with my clan far far away...
    me thinks the perfect way to spend the day :)

    thank you for the lovely feedback on the book, i cannot begin to even tell you how much it means to me!

  40. Happy, happy birthday Tif, hope you have a wonderful day with your 'lads of three'!
    Vivienne x

  41. Aaw - happy birthday, Tif! :) I hope the shed (and your lads...) spoiled you!!

  42. oh tif happy happy birthday! i have a friend who thought all one year she was 37 when she was only 36....she REALLY did...! and i must say, i must RAVE that the book is so far past divine they have not yet invented a word to describe the divine-ness of it....i am spending all my time in the big chair glued to the love!

  43. Why...Happy 43rd Tif! Hope it's sunshiny peaceful in your neck of the woods.

  44. tif, so glad to hear you've found a perfect way to spend your day. 43 is a delightful age, you will no doubt make wonderful things at this year.

  45. Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope you had a most wonderful day!

  46. oh, have a very happy birthday! what an inspiring picture that is. so many great patterns and textures. :)


  47. Happy birthday to was so wonderful meeting you at the creative connection...I really think that was the highlight of my visit to St. are ever so delightful! Your book is wonderfully sweet and your lovely creative buddies Janine and Jessie were just as cute as ever.I know Jo fell head over heels for you girls as well! Hope to cross paths again sometime soon ...xoxoxo

  48. Happy b'day!!! :0} I stopped counting a long time ago too.

  49. Happy Birthday, wish all the happiness for all your 43 year....

  50. Congratulations, hope you had a nice day. I received your book on your birthday yesterday. I love it, I enjoyed my evening with reading and looking at the beautiful pictures.

  51. Have a very lovely birthday Tif, I adored my 40's but am feeling a little surprised at edging into my 50's..... but I hope to be living proof that a new life can begin at whatever age your birth certificate insists on telling you that you are :)

  52. Happy Birthday Tif, have a wonderful day!

  53. Happy happy birthday dear lady. Have fun crafting xxxx

  54. Yaay! Happy happy birthday and 'nog vele jaren' we say in Dutch (that means I hope there'll be lots and lots of more happy Dottie years to come!)

  55. I love your stile! Can I write you in my blog?
    See you soon from Italy

  56. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

  57. OO! Happy birthday O Crafty One! Here's hoping you have the happiest of days and blog about it tomorrow, of course!

  58. Very happy and sweet birthday!!!!!!!

  59. congratiolations to your birthday, Tif!
    How nice that you have spent the day in a perfect way.
    My own birthday is today and guess what I got for present?... your book!!!
    I can`t wait having the time to read it, it looks as if it`s the peachiest of perfect.
    Greetings from over the pond,

  60. Happy Happy Birthday to you :)Liz

  61. happy birthday bonkers angel. it was mine last tuesday. i forget we are week apart (and a few years but i won't rub it in). x

  62. i think without doubt you have all made this the besty of bestest birthdays i have ever had!
    thank you for your well wishes, it truly has made me feel most special :)

    and i am delighted my book is starting to arrive on doorsteps and so well liked, i think folks are starting to see just why i was so made up to be working with the spiffy Janine Vangool!
    thank you for your kind words

  63. Dear Tif, twas nice to see
    I hope every day of 43
    is as happy as can be.

    (Finley and I are rhyming today!)

  64. Happy birthday chuck!
    Best wishes from Mrs.Bertimus x

  65. Happy Birthday! I feel your pain. Anything after forty we get a free card back to 35 :)

  66. thank you kindly!
    and Janine,
    you and Finley are quite the talent :)

  67. Hope you had a lovely bday. Welcome to the 43 club!

  68. 43, you are much younger than I am.
    Become 44 in December ;).
    Have a good 44th year of your life.
    Grtz from the Netherlands, Astrid

  69. Happy 43rd birthday.

    I have loved being 40, 41 and so far most of my 42nd year. Can't see any reason to think my 43rd wont be anything other than just as much fun!

  70. Happy belated birthday!! All the best and seas of creativity!

  71. Hi just wanted to say love your blog and your designs are fab!!!!!

  72. gosh many many 'thanking you kindlies' :)
