
Tuesday, March 9


i don't do 'fiddly' along with gingham and purple.
that is fiddly 'little' things...
of course we have learnt dearest readers that i do indeed do gingham and purple
therefore it only stands to reason that i now do fiddly little things.

my work is all about the fiddly stuff,
piecing it together,
patching away,
until i am rather happy with the results
and that is fine and dandy,
for it is fiddly on a big scale.
but when that fiddly becomes 'itty bitty' fiddly
then i turn into a rather 'not nice' person.

i had no choice but to do some 'little' fiddling, for a bag of button making kits found me at the new thrift store on saturday,
they had potential to become such pretties that i succumbed, knowing as i handed over my pennies, i was on a rocky road to 'crossness'

yesterday i sat down,
armed with my scraps of fabric, vintage wallpaper and a cup of tea.
after a while it became obvious i needed something stronger than tea.
and so began a marathon in patience and time

this morning i continued along my road of 'fiddling with little itty bitty' pieces
but this time i was aided by a packet of cadburys mini eggs,
sent by my friend Debbie, for such emergencies as these.

having stepped back to view the end result i am most happy with how they look,
in fact i wish to keep them all to myself and never let them go

but alas i cannot do that, for they are destined for my shop window this Thursday
along with some 'just say it like it is' everyday card sets

and other goodies which i shall bring you tomorrow.

yes, it would be quite true to say, this week i am all about my shop update,
but my heart is all about the 'purple and gingham' that sits beside me as i stitch with Miss Ethel...
i tell the purple and gingham, to have a little patience, something i am lacking in with my 'fiddly little issues',
for next week
her time will come...

she is off to fiddle a little bit more and then she will announce "enough, she will fiddle no more" ~ Tif


  1. Well worth the fiddling with wonderful results like this!
    I have a pack of titchy self cover buttons but don't know how to cover them!
    I will definitely need a Kitkat chunky to see me through!
    Rachel x

  2. Ooooh they are beautiful, they may have been fiddly, but what a fabulous result. I love the buttons and the backing of vintage wallpaper with the splendiferous red stitching. Well worth the fiddliness!

  3. Oh Tif...
    Finding the said fiddly thingy magingy is a stroke of genius...
    Your very own buttons!!!
    Your update is looking "too" impressive...can't wait!!!

  4. oooooh...Fiddle de dee is good on thee!!!
    LOVE the buttons and the sacrifice it took to get them to fruition...You are a noble sort..
    (with the aid of Cadbury Eggs..).

  5. They are so lovely, made me smile on a cool, Sydney morning.

  6. your itty bitty pieces are adorable!!

  7. oh these are fiddlicious! lovely lovely to say the least...for not being a fiddly kind of gal, you sure do fiddly just fine...thank you for sharing.

  8. I am drooling over your droolishly cool goodies....

  9. I'm so anxious to see what you're doing with the gingham and purple. Your fiddly issues are beautiful. As for me, I'm just hanging in there until 5 o'clock gets here so I can break out the brandy to deal with my fiddly crossness.

  10. They may be fiddly but they are also beautiful !

  11. I think you do fiddly rather well!!
    Although Cadbury Mini Eggs sure help with lifes little trials! :)

  12. So sweet, I could see how you would want to keep them all!

  13. I have to say I am still a little stunned about your anti-gingham feelings until recently. What's there not to like about such a fab little fabric with cute little squares?!

    I love your buttons so nicely presented and all. And the cards are looking super as well. Good job Tif!

  14. thank you my dearest readers for your 'fiddly' kindness :)

    so sorry sarah that you had a little 'stunnedness' due to my gingham issues. i'm actually not against gingham in anyway, it's just that i don't craft with it, until now that is :)

  15. oh, they're perfectly lovely. I have made some of these in my time, and I have to agree on the fiddliness of them, but you do appear to have mastered it.

  16. The buttons look so amazing, I wouldn't want to part with them either :)
    That's exactly how I feel about my little paper flower creations. I hope your buttons will go to good people who will love them as much as you do.

    Lovely photos!!!
    Great post!

  17. The buttons are wonderful! Well worth the fiddling.

  18. Covered Buttonswhat a great idea ! ! !
    A lot of us don't have the patience to make these.
    Yahoo you make it easy.

  19. Oh my goodness!!! Gorgeous! Must....have....for....daughter....!!!! Hoping beyond hope I get to the ones I want in time!!!

  20. Fiddly and cross are usually my bedmates. Hence having all the starters of learning crochet but still only having made one or two lines, gone wow, so that's how it works and unravelled it and gone back to hand sewing whatever I'm working on.
    Hmmmm, maybe that means it's actually fiddly and new as hand sewing used to elicit the same cross response but now it's soothing....

  21. Surely worth extra mini-eggs if the end result are these little button-shaped pieces of 'gleeful' glory?

  22. Love the buttons. You are so clever
    : )

  23. you're fiddling is fab! i'm not much for DOING itty bitty either, but i DO SO love to look at it. thanks for the fix!

  24. these are fabulous! I just recently found your blog, and i'm smitten with your style. love it!

  25. and a very fine fiddle had she had she...


    pencil case giveaway and interview today!

  26. The buttons are fantastic well worth the fiddling.

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