
Wednesday, October 21

and the winner is...

my camera cable has gone AWOL.
i recall the person that took it (who shall remain 'nameless'), took it with the words
"can i borrow your camera cord, just for today? i'll bring it back tonight."
i believe those words were spoken several days ago and now i have sat pondering my predicament for most of today.
i emailed the 'nameless' person, told him of my woes, and those of my readership.
a little while later (due to 'nameless' person being a busy person), i received a reply. he noted that i could actually take out the little disc thing from my camera and pop it in the computer thus transporting my pictures that way.
i "gasped" to myself and then replied back, noting that i don't do things like that. i learn to do something a certain way and then can never stray from that path. i received no other reply...

several hours later i was left with little choice but to figure out where the 'disc thing' was in my camera and then figure out the little slot on my computer. of course now i have done all my figuring, it is glaringly obvious that this is by far the most easiest way to upload pictures. i will not however inform 'nameless' person of that, for i would never hear the end of it...

and so we do have a winner, a little late, but none the less, a winner...
and yes, she was picked out of the crockpot by a passing chicken.

congratulations to Lisa,
here is what Lisa had to say about her favorite holiday

I love Thanksgiving. It reminds me of my Grandparents farm in West Brooklyn, Illinois. Sitting in the kitchen with my Grandma, eating her apple pie. Or running through the corn fields up to the duck pond with my cousins after eating my Grandma's Thanksgiving meal. Food that is forever stamped on my heart as what "home" and holidays taste like. Thank you Tif for the moment to remember and for the chance to go into the crock pot. My fingers are crossed! Kindly, Lisa

be sure to email me your address Lisa, and the 'whatnot' holiday garland will be winging it's way to you 'hoppity quick' in time for your favorite holiday season...

and before i head back to the kitchen to scrub out the crockpot and throw in all the leftovers that have accumulated in my fridge recently,
i must thank you most kindly for all the wonderful comments you have left here, and in my inbox... your reasons for celebrating holidays truly are wonderful and have warmed my heart.

she will return tomorrow with grand news (ah ha! i love a cliff hanger...) ~ Tif


  1. Just a quick hello and to say that your 'announcing a winner ensemble' is super groovy.

  2. Darn those chickens! I wanted to win so bad!! Congrats to Lisa! :)

  3. I believe that is the most delightful random number generator I've ever seen.

  4. you are just hilarious!!!! and Tif such a good use for a crock pot! Rachaelxo

  5. What a funny story about your photo loading! Congats to Lisa...I enjoyed her fav holiday story very much...

  6. you are such a lovely lot :)

    i am now thinking my chickens may not sleep well tonight or ever again... knowing the existence of a crockpot in the nearby vicinity could stop them getting any 'shut eye' ever again!

  7. ha ha ha those chickens picking the winner is hilarious!

  8. LOL, definitely the best random generator EVER in the history of giveaways!!! Love it!

  9. This random generator idea of yours is so crazy and beautiful! Thanks for making my day xo

  10. tif, i have been thinking recently about getting some "urban"chickens and i wondered if they are difficult to have and to raise...are they? i would love to know if you have any advice for starting such a brood... please email me if you can i love reading your blog and your photos are gorgeous!

  11. pepper blossom, i shall be sure to email you, but just so others can know my thoughts...

    i say they are truly 'easy peasy' to keep, whilst they are chicks it takes a lot of care and time, but once they are grown up, i do believe chickens are no trouble at all. i especially like the fact my chickie peas think i am the mother hen... it would be quite true to say if i could only keep one type of critter then i think it would have to be chickens.
    they are silly,
    they are friendly
    they always listen to me...
    unlike the rest of my clan :)

  12. I raised chickens for years and loved them immensely. They are easy. I just wish I had thought of using them as random giveaway pickers! Tif- you are a hoot.

  13. I hope you had a great week with lots of fun girl time!

    Congrats to Lisa on winning the gorgeous bunting!

    I'd like to echo Tif's sentiments on the chickens... We got ours about a year and a half ago (we have 20-some) and they're truly an easy animal to care for. I'm a bit of a city slicker and although we live in the country now, I was a little worried at first when my husband came home with so many. But they really have been fun and are fairly 'low-maintenance' as far as animals go.

    ~ Jennifer

  14. Oh I think chickens would be a marvelous addition to the garden. Just have to convince the hubby now. I've tried and failed before.

    I can't believe you actually let your hens peck out the winner! And boo hoo it wasn't me!! But I've rescued a few doilies that my mother was selling last weekend, and she didn't even consult me first. So I shall be able to whip up something doilyish now too.

  15. Tif such a great draw...
    love the pics...
    and adore the outfit however thrown together it may have been...
    It looks fab!!!

  16. Ah Congratulations to Lisa - and what a lovely comment she left too!
    Thanks for sharing the fun photos of the chickens and their crock pot dipping!
    Happy days!
    Denise x

  17. I agree that they are very amiable and picturesque creatures, but I think it is best to have them in quantity and not give them names if you want to free range them. We have lost two (out of 23) recently to Mr Fox, and it is upsetting, but not so bad as when we lost two special friends who lived just by the back door. It is always important to remember the time of sunset every day and make sure you are at home to shut them up.

    Or am I being horribly parochial and ignorant and this is not an issue in your neck of the woods?

    Pomona x

  18. oh yes, mr coyote is a problem in our neck of the woods, amongst other predators, day or night.
    my chickens free range most of the day as i'm at home, if i pop out to the 'real world' they must be locked away... and yes, i echo pomona's words, they must be shut away as the sun goes down, if not before :)

    mine are named, and yes i think myself most lucky every night as i do a head count and breath a sigh of relief...

  19. on pins and needles for the grand news! congrats to lisa......

  20. Lovely outfit! Is that 100% thrift style? I'm seriuosly thinking about taking the challenge!!!!

  21. How funny :)
    I use my doxie as my 'random number generator'.

  22. not perfect but nice... nope it's 100% my closet, i just happen to look like i dress from the thrift store most days :)

    infact the best thing about this whole handcrafted thrifty year is being able to look like a 'walking thrift store' and having a good excuse for it :)

    i think that is why i am so happy these days...

  23. Congrats to Lisa on her new garland! "Food that is forever stamped on my heart as what "home" and holidays taste like" ...what a lovely way to phrase it. And I do adore a nicely turned phrase!

    Best wishes,

  24. I am MORE than slightly envious of Lisa winning the giveaway as I would REALLY have liked to have it - as would many more of your readers I suppose!
    Perhaps I might actually try and make one myself now there isn't the opportunity to get it - unless of course Lisa doesn't actually want it when I'll be there in the queue to relieve her of it.

  25. Why couldn't he have just done that, then? Hmm
    I love your outfit!
