
Monday, August 24

a festival of 'granny love' ~ day one

this week we are going to push 'mr vertigo' to one side and let him know we are done with his 'dizzying' charms... no longer do we require his 'swaying motions' and what better way to ignore his 'spinning world' than to concentrate on something that makes us happy...
("what would that be then Tif?" i hear you cry)
well since you asked, it makes me happy to know (and i'm quite sure it will make you happy too), there is a 'term' for all the things i love, be it in the home, be it worn upon my body or be it created with my gnarly hands.
for years i have gone about 'crafting' in some shape or form, but since the grand move to Mossy Shed i have been 'gripped' by the charms of 'grannyism' and all that comes with it...
be it a doily,
a potholder,
a piece of bark cloth,
a wall of vintage paper,
a chicken,
or a crocheted cushion.
it all adds up to an eclecticness that is known as 'granny chic'...
i know this to be true because i have come across the 'term' many times in recent weeks, and it seems to be the most wonderful way to describe 'what i like to do' and 'what i like to see'.

so without 'further a do' we shall jump right in and 'marvel'... ney, 'gasp'... ney, 'shed a tear' at the sheer beauty we see before us, courtesy of the lovely Ingrid.

this talented lady with a hook, is the crocheting genius behind wood & wool stool, now some of you may recall me mentioning my love of her stools before. so i'm delighted that Ingrid has agreed to be part of my 'granny chic loving' festival this week...

i find it hard to put into words how her pictures and creations make me feel, so many emotions run riot in my head when i look upon them, but i think it's the whole styling of the photos that really makes me weak at the knees... (and an undeniable envy of her crocheting talents, which i do not mind admitting)

i can't think of a better example of the recent mood for all things 'granny chic' but cleverly combining it with a fresh twist, showing us just how easy it is to add a little bit of 'grannyism' to our lives without going over the top. which for some, i am sure can be an issue... especially if you live with a vocal "NO" person within your four walls when it comes to interior decor matters. but sneaking in a wee little stool with a happy cover on it, surely would be no problem... sitting quietly in the corner, never needing to be fed and never answering back, all the time adding that vital bit of 'granny love' to give your space a homely crafty feel without your "NO" person protesting...

Ingrid has mentioned to me that she will be working on an english version of her beautiful website (hurrah!), thus allowing people like moi who are totally pants at any language other than their mother tongue to figure out how to go about getting hold of her beautiful crocheted delights...

in the meantime, if like me, you are feverishly raiding your piggy bank, or the children's, having just seen these beautiful images before you... knowing you can not live another day without a woolly covered, granny squared stool in your life, do not fear, for Ingrid tells me, just drop her a line at and she will be happy to help.
and so it just leaves me to thank the lovely Ingrid for her 'crocheting goodness' and allowing me to share it with you...

she is off to add
'stool, but not just any stool'
to her birthday list and will continue the festival of 'granny loving' tomorrow ~ Tif
footynote: please note all pictures belong to the talented Ingrid and her 'wood & wool' stools :)


  1. Lovely! I am the proud owner of 4 or 5 very small granny blankets acquired from charity shops - I have a deep yearning for a bed-sized one - and those stools - in quantities!

    Pomona x

  2. Oh. My.
    A week of Granny Chic, I am hyperventilating!

  3. Hi Dottie Angel

    I found your lovely blog by chance. Glad you are feeling well enough to post. I have been blogging for over 3 years now and mainly knit but have just learnt to crochet. I've wanted to for decades. I too love Wood & Wool Stool and am attempting to make a similar blanket from Shetland DK.

    Kind Regards


  4. ooohhhh there certainly is some granny loveliness there. I wish I could crochet that well.

  5. oh my! i'm feeling dizzy now with all these gorgeous crochet images... :)

    can't wait for your next instalment!

  6. I love Ingrid's work so much.In fact I asked her if I could do a blog post about her and you beat me to it! Of course you have done a much better job than I could ever have done ;)

  7. Love love love!! It's actually quite amazing just how stylish all that granny stuff is!! Unfortunatel it hasn't quite caught on yet here in France :( I'll have to start the trend!!!

  8. Oh how can one not be totally in love with these lovely little stools...
    And so glad to hear that she will be having a english version...I will be the first to admit I was a tad lost on the translating of her lovely site but did love the pictures...
    I think one of these stools would look very "at home" at mossy shed...

  9. i
    too much loveliness all at once....
    i am going for a lay down and a think
    t x

  10. thank you for having such a lovely blog....i tagged you with an award today....
    take care, sharon xx

  11. Well, for heavens sake! There's a NAME for all the things I love???
    I will have to call it "Memere Chic",tho, as I am a French granny!

  12. What a lovely post! I am working on 2 granny blankets despite the "NO" and on a bag for our daughter and her friend. And after several bags and cushions the dolls and ourselves will get some scarfes to complete the granny mania. They are not only great to look at but also so much fun to produce

  13. What a great blog I discovered by accident! I actually have a small grandmother blanket crocheted by my grandmother. She used to have it on her armchair. Will take a picture of it one day!

  14. I just discovered your blog today. It's sooooo beautiful! I could (maybe have?) spend hours here:)

  15. i'm so glad it has a name, my husband just thinks i'm crazy ;-) i'll have to show this to him.

  16. I love her stools and her images! And, I especially love how the stools are made from scrap wood. They're so gorgeous and full of character!

    ~ Jennifer

  17. those stools sure are special. How would you restrain yourself from putting them in every room? (and my rooms are small, i tell you) :D

  18. I adore your stools and have admired from a far in Flickr. On further investigation I find a crochet friend. Love this big one in the post and the grannie too.

    Hope you don't mind if I follow along on your adventure
