
Tuesday, July 7

postcard #4...

dearest readers,
the sun has disappeared behind the clouds, not nice fluffy clouds but big angry ones. do we let that get us down. "oh no!" shout i... we just turn Neil Diamond up a little more on the car stereo and sing a little louder. yes, it is quite true 'sweet caroline' is a great mood lifter along with a bit of Elvis...

our usual trip to old blighty results in us standing amongst the candy and music aisles of good old Woolies, but alas, a terrible fate has befallen the British high streets in the past year and so our children's children will never get to feel the 'frill' of going to Woolworths.

every year we would peruse the shelves for the 'must have' sounds of that particular summer, but not this year. sadly there is nowhere since the closure of Woolworths in my folk's town to buy a CD!! isn't that incredible, now of course if i was all 'gadgety' and 'with it' i would instantly whip out my 'gadgety' music player and say "do not fear dearest children, your mother has it all under control"... i would not only be able to download the 'latest and greatest' but also actually know who the 'latest and greatest' are.

but this is not to be, not now and not ever... i do not do little 'gadgety' music players at all. i have reached the point in my life where i do not really wish to bother with such things.
a dinosaur... that is what i have become. i get my 'frills' from thrift stores, piles of doilies, and stashes of yarn but not 'gadgety' things...

so that left me and my clan with a music dilemma. we could choose to travel the wee lanes of south Devon in silence but that would never do, for then we would have no distractions from my driving... so it fell upon my mother's shoulders to select a few CD's from her collection to place in our mode of transport. what pressure of the 'utmost' kind...

my boys of course know Elvis and every word, so that was a hit.
Dixie Chicks was a winner for me... after all i could sing 'wide open spaces' until the cows come home, but 'my clan' did not feel it was safe for their ears or the other cars upon the road.
Roy Orbison didn't get much of a look in either as we discovered good old Neil... my childhood came flooding back and we can now sing to our hearts content, not fearing the narrow country lanes, the huge trucks whizzing past with inches to spare, or the tractors with big prongy things looking most menacing, causing me to close my eyes and send up a silent prayer to whoever may be listening...

she is thanking you most kindly for all your lovely lovely comments and will be back on friday with postcard #5 and the bestest 'thrifty find of the trip' to date. (don't you just love a cliff hanger) ~ Tif


  1. Such a sad thing! My daughters and I used to love the Woolies on the Finchley Road when they were little (it's gone too!) Now we live in Brisbane we'll be safe for at least another ten years while we catch up with the rest of the world's country towns! ;)
    Your granny squares are looking extremely gorgeous. :) Kylie x

  2. In just what format are you playing the soundtrack of your youth ~ cd, cassette, 8 track, vinyl?

  3. i know... poor old Woolies, all those little shops sitting empty and sad... :(
    it wasn't till it was gone that i realised how much i used to pop in for those odd bits-n-bobs, cds and who can forget the pick and mix!?

    anyhoo, love the cliffhanger... i'm waiting with baited breath!

  4. Oh, you just can't beat a bit of Neil Diamond! I love it! x

  5. ladies, i have suddenly had to break out in song when thinking about woolies. i feel that Crystal Gail sums it up nicely with
    "you never miss a real good thing 'til it's gone"
    perfect for our woolworths...

  6. Such great boots you have on. I have boot happiness just looking at them.

  7. I remember when I lived in San Francisco and the Woolworths closed. Woe, my broken heart. No longer could I go down to the basement and chat up the hamsters and goldfish while shopping for tacky souvineers to send to friends. No more cotton socks next to the eyeliner and lipsticks. I would not be able to lick my ice cream cone whilst searching for the perfect washing up bucket. Ah, memories.
    I love the colors of your grannies!

  8. don't worry about the 'latest and the greatest'. that can be over-rated. the old favorites, 'You Sexy Thing' by Hot Chocolate, or 'Who'll Stop The Rain' by CCR ... or 'Landslide' by Fleetwood Mac... that'll get you by.

  9. You could always cyber browse here not sure ther's pick'n'mix though!
    Our sound of the summer 09 is 'The Noisettes' they are great

  10. so glad neil...can lift your spirits...and let you soar to the highest
    can't wait to see the thrifty finds...
    too exciting...bring on postcard number 5....

  11. I've been looking out for you hitching a ride by the side of the road but alas Lydney has passed you by. Don't forget, The Laundry has opened a shop. Thanks for mentioning us as one of your favourites recently. Unfortunately I don't sell pick and mix, not sweets anyway... though perhaps that's not a bad idea! Have a great trip and don't bag all of the vintage goodies with your fantastic antenna for a stylish bargain.
