
Monday, March 3

gone tomorrow...

how perfectly lovely you have all been to me...i can not tell you how fast the past week or two has whizzed by. you still find me running around chasing my tail, but things are coming along nicely. the kitchen at mossy shed is undergoing some serious fact it is not unlike one of those reality shows, at the end we will not be able to see anything left of the original kitchen even though it is lurking underneath. as i have mentioned before we were rather fortunate to have new cabinets, appliances and worktop, however it was so very dark (unless we kept on all the lights, there are more lights in my kitchen than the rest of the house put together for some reason). anyhow i soon named my kitchen "the cave"...not much longer though, with the help of my handy carpenter and trusty painter, various bits of wood and some cream and white paint, a new kitchen will emerge...

on other notes,

note 1: i have made some progress towards opening up the shop and making some new treats...i have several window panels ready to go and my plan for next week when it is a little less hectic in the shed will be to.....wait for it, maybe you should sit down dear readers....yes i plan to customize some slips and get them listed. ("about blimen' time" i hear you cry)

note 2: i am in love...his name is Vern, he is a pickup truck with some serious history...i know he has been around the block a bit, when i found him he was not looking pretty but his baby blue metallic finish, cracked windscreen and non existent exhaust pipe just spoke to me.
he's sixteen years old, tilts slightly to the side where he is requiring hip surgery and after having him checked out by my "trusty mechanic" also requires some heart and brain surgery...but nothing a bit of 'pimping out' can't disguise.

alas i have no picture as Vern is on the road today...he is a manual so it makes for some interesting driving moments. i haven't driven a manual in over seven years and when i did, the gear shift was not to my right. his interior is fetching denim blue without a single curved line, all boxy and solid. when i told our #3 to hop in after unlocking the door from the inside, (it doesn't appear to work on the outside)...he got in, buckled up and then tried to find the switch to put the window down. "you have to wind the handle to make the window move"...there are no cup holders so nothing for 'crap' to build up in, just about perfect i feel...
so far Vern has been decked out in some lovely bark cloth visor covers (with a secret doily that appears when the sun shines and one requires some shielding) and some floor mats...i plan to pimp him out in various bark cloth fabrics once he has undergone surgery and survived. until then every time i pull up to a stop light i send a silent prayer to who ever is listening..."please let me pull away without leaving a bit of Vern behind"

note 3: tomorrow the electrician calls...hurrah, we will have ceiling lights upstairs, and the day after they come to finish off the wall and fill in the hole in our #4's ceiling which has been covered by plastic sheeting so he is refusing to sleep in there...the roof happens in a couple of weeks...i now see this is a good thing as when the hail storm passed over the shed's head yesterday, i found it quite disconcerting (oooh fancy word) that i could hear hail on the plastic sheeting thus implying the roof has some rather nice holes in it...

note 4: spring has sprung early here, hence my attempt at spring flowers...i have dared to plant a few daffs outside and so far three mornings in a row they have still been's only a matter of time till word gets out to the deer community that the 'fool in the shed' has put flowers in her yard...

note 5: we spent yesterday doing a spot of this...not a total wasted journey as we learnt a few things about what it takes to move such 'a beast'. we are after a trailer that requires gutting so we can use it as a 'summer place' in the back yard but when the smell inside makes your eyes well up and then after a bit of time you realize the smell is the combination of damp, chain smoking and quite possibly something deceased, you know this trailer is not the one...there's an airstream with my name on it out there it's just a matter of time...

note 6: kitchen stools are now completed with a lovely coat of soft gray satin, just waiting to take up their position at the island...

she will see you on Thursday after the electrician has done his thing ~ Tif


  1. Lovely to hear your news. I love the photos. Makes me want to run out and buy a new camera! I will wait on the curtain panels with interest. I have a conservatory door that needs a big curtain, and you do inspire me. I have all the old tablecloths and fabrics, but just a very 'unsewy' head that hasn't learnt yet how to put the darn things together!

  2. it's all looking good, can't wait to see what the new and improved kitchen looks like!

  3. So beautiful....

  4. ooooh lovely photies!
    I have a crush on Vern already *blush* (which makes a change from filthy motorcycles)


  5. You are the tease mistress of Blogland.....
    I want to see your kitchen NOW.
    I'm glad things have a forward momentum.....but I am just not getting this Air Stream obsession.....I'm really am not getting it

  6. my sweet faraway friend - good to see you back!
    great catching up with the mossy news, but that blooming picture of the airstream has got me wishing all over again...
    darn you dottie
    darn you!
    speak soon
    t x

  7. I recently discovered your blog, it's gorgeous! You have a lovely style, and I'm going to be back, often!

  8. Oh, oh, oh...I can't wait to meet Vern! I love old pickups. And the boxier, the better. :) Good luck with your kitchen renovation! Believe me, when I say I understand how it feels to live through construction. ;)

  9. Hi Tiff - Can you suggest what to polish up airstreams with. Ours is now almost painted on the inside (it came ready gutted) so we just have the floor to do and then we need to spruce up the exterior. Large expanses of aluminium aren't really a UK thing so all the aluminium polish is in tiny tubes . . .
    Also deer won't eat your daffodils, they are poisonous. The love tulips though!

  10. you are quite right about the daffs, friend Suzanne has also notified me of the fact that deer do not care for daffs, this is good news and also shows just how little i know about wildlife and nature. i need to do some serious studying if mossy shed is ever to have a chance of having some lovely flowers etc...

    as to airstream polish i will do some research as that is just what i have to look into as most airstreams come rather dull but buff up to a lovely shine with a bit of elbow grease and the right product...will let you know when i have talked to some one in the know :)
