
Monday, October 15

he's all man...

last winter i taught our #3 and #4 to was a 'heart warming' moment in a mother's life to come downstairs on a Sunday morning to find her two boys not watching cartoons or playing on the game console, but sitting on the sofa in their pyjamas knitting. (let's just pause a while so you can all take a deep breath and just feel that moment). i am quite sure in my old age i will look back and remember that memory as occurring every weekend, i know that it happened only one morning but i think it is perfectly acceptable in forty years time (god willing) that i believe it happened more than once...

interestingly our #4 carried his knitting around in the car so that he would be able to take every opportunity to knit in public. this caused quite a stir amongst the women folk of my town. but our #3 told me as i taught him the 'knit stitch'..."do not breath a word of this outside of the house". i explained to my boys that when they were older a sure fire way to win a girl's heart is not to stand at the pub bar and down a load of lager, getting completely rat arsed and then saying stupid comments with their mates. no i told them that all you have to do is have a caring soul, look slightly unkempt and knit...what girl could resist a 'deep thinker', slightly rugged guy (obviously needing looking after) and then the 'clincher'...he can KNIT...

well our #3 was not convinced by this, but now i have the proof. what lady across the land would not like to have this man living in her house...oh the joys of owning a man that can produce such a beautiful item.

and so i shall continue to encourage my boys to 'knit' thus hopefully guaranteeing them a chance to win the heart of some fair 'crafter' out there...

and in the meantime i shall get on with my crochet blanket that i have been busying myself with. my first big crochet project and i am loving it, my wrist however is i am popping glucosamine tablets along with antihistamines (allergies to wool) so that i may continue with it...

oh the scarifices she makes for her craft ~ Tif


  1. oh my........
    a man named Jared (one of my most lusted after names), who knits the most beautiful items, writes with a lovely flair and has REALLY nice hands and fingernails xxx

    thanks for sharing my dear sweet friend x

    i can see why you would like your boys to follow in this chaps footsteps - woman across the land will be in full swoon!

    tracy x

  2. wow that man makes a lovely blanket! is he the george clooney of the knitting world? i see he has a lot of lady fans leaving comments on his blog.

    i love that your boys went through a knitting phase, though it was never going to last very long. it takes boys a long time to realise that 'mr sensitive pony-tail man' (a movie quote) is what we want. my husband enjoys a lovely relaxing bubble bath every now again.

    did i say that out loud? sorry ben.

  3. My father taught me to knit when I was very small after my Granny, great aunt and mum had given up.
    Apparently it was a widespread skill practiced in the Navy, but during the war (WW2) many men knitted.
    Your son can just tell the girls he's good with his hands! Look I can knit;-)

  4. That blog and man is such a find- I love it!

  5. There is nothing sexier than a man who can actually do something practical - whether that is cooking, building or indeed knitting. The first lad I lusted after tied the most beautiful fishing flies and could catch and skin rabbits. I don't imagine that he would have been nearly as appealing if he had played computer games and propped up a bar somewhere.

    I taught our youngest to knit on the train coming back from Paris - The scarf is being worked on constantly but is mystifyingly still only about 4 inches long.

  6. Oooh I am very jealous, I am lucky to tempt my small one away from spiderman with cake, let alone knitting! Hi by the way, I'm new to this blogging lark, and to etsy, but have put you on mine as a lovely blog, hope you don't mind...

  7. yes, the knitting man looks gorgeous the bits I could see of him. Anyways, I have given you an award:)Your blog always makes me smile, laugh, snort . . .

  8. I love that the boys are knitting!! My mum used to teach the boys at her school to knit!!

  9. That blanket is lovely. And I think the males of our species knitting is so husband was the one who taught me to knit and as I type he is busy crocheting me a pair of slippers. Hopefully our son will follow in his daddy's footsteps.

    As always, loving what you are doing and enjoying the little glimpses into your home and life.
