
Tuesday, June 19

'eye candy' ~ part three...

i am most happy that you liked yesterday's eye candy, i am particularly fond of comment number 17...

so let us once again dive into a jammy packed post full of lovely things. i started the day wearing my apron skirt. i have discovered a flaw in my design (Laura, pay attention here), as you feel like you are wearing an apron, you wipe your hands continuously on your is the bizarres thing, try as i may i can't help myself...anyhow i have spent my day beavering away in the usual manner, surrounded by piles of linens, bedsheets and pillowcases, my studio has lost it's carpet and i have got to the point where i can not find anything that i put down five minutes before...still i have succeeded in making some new treats for 'show and tell' tomorrow, but that must wait...
so to our daily dose of 'eye candy'.

for you dear readers, no expense has been spared, my lovely guest has been flown in, all the way from the UK. before i introduce her, i must tell you why this creative soul has caught my once again if you are ready, a tale must be told.
at the age of seventeen (isn't that a song..i'm sure that sounds familiar, okay now i must continue my tale in a very husky voice, like the singer of that song..) i had to go back to school for retakes, i stayed for six months and then that was the end of my school career. in amongst the retakes, i had a spare 'block' in my daily grind, i filled it with 'embroidery AO level' and the very first day, i knew i had found my 'eye candy' became the only lesson that i paid attention in and actually achieved some results...i soon realized what i liked about embroidery was the detail involved, the little extras, basically the icing on the cake with a little cherry on top.
as i have gone out into the big world and grown up i still look for and crave those details.

i hope that i manage it in my own creations and i certainly appreciate it in others and their works...and so we come to Petalsoft, i don't honestly know how i found Christine, it is all a bit of a blur...all i know is she appeared from somewhere and i couldn't get over her work and how much detail goes into it just leaves me to introduce some seriously good 'eye candy' for your pleasure, courtesy of Christine...

leaving you with a little bit of 'candy' from my studio ~ Tif


  1. I'm not sure my cutting tool is the right one for you. It seems more mundane than something you would have, as it seems everything you touch turns to magic. I will bring it anyway, and the swap will be on...

  2. oh my goodness, they are gorjois with a capital G (i do know how to spell gorgeous, this is my french version, which is even better). look at that beautiful skirt! i'm so glad i got up now at quarter to six (i can't sleep, we are going to brighton today and leaving early and if i know i have to get up early, i wake up 3 hours earlier than how i am starting to use your comments page as my personal blog!)

    anyway, you're so good at building to a crescendo and i'm very good and don't scroll ahead to look at the pictures...i like to see the reveal as it was intended to be seen.

    anyway, i'm leaving you now to go and look at christine.
    looking forward to show n tell tomorrow.
    air kisses, tata.

  3. thank you for being so good Francesca..i will forgive you now for mentioning Brighton, first gigibird and now you...let me know if it was as lovely as Lynn said it to dream of little alleys full of sweet small shops ladened with 'eye candy'...ahhh

  4. Hi Tif, thank you so much for featuring me on your lovely blog,I've already had a few lovely comments! Better get on to that etsy shop!- Am I too late to name the door? Dorothy or Lorelie ( from Gentlemen prefer blondes - one of my favourite films!) or Ophelia - if you're feeling tragic! don't know if these have been said already - I'll go and have a look.

  5. Tif I must just bring this anomaly up– despite you saying how muddled your home life is with crock pots and piles(of washing) your house from what I can see of it looks immaculate!
    Petal Lady looks very familiar…….
    Lovely, lovely lovely

  6. I have to agree with you Petalsoft is very good, i enjoy looking at her work, she has an edwardian feel, i feel! If she were to ever design a frocks, i think merchant ivory would snap her up, i have a vision of Dame Judy, croquet and tea on the lawn.
    I do constantly see things from art, books and film. i think my life is one great big fat game of charades, maybe i need to see someone! Stephne x
