
Tuesday, May 1

four hungry children and a crop of gray hair...

picture the scene...

"mama, we are hungry and so tired of having bread and water" cries our #1
"mama, my shoes have holes in the soles and the rocks are cutting my feet" wails our #2
"mama, i'm cold, can we light the fire or put the heating on" sobs our #3
"mama, could i have some new pyjamas and socks, please" smiles our #4

okay, okay, you get the picture and in return 'mama' says "my dears, there is no money for such treats, i had to spend it all on disguising my GRAY hair on my head ... ARRRGH"
a year or two back, one gray hair came to visit on my head. no problems, i had blonde lights, it blended in and life carried on.
two months ago, tired of spending a small fortune on highlights, i decided to embrace my natural mousy brown hair (oh the fool that i am). that one gray hair had stayed, thrown a party, made a nest, got married and had a ton of offspring!
every day a new gray hair rears its ugly head and laughs at me in the mirror.
my plan to cut costs has resulted in doubling my hair care bill, as i need to go to the salon every four weeks now instead of the orginal six weekly visit. it seems i will have to resort to one of two things...either i crop my hair off (not as scary as it sounds, as i have done it before) or i start buying my hair dye from the drugstore and doing a 'home dye' job.
i haven't decided yet how i will "FIGHT AGAINST THE GRAY" but it is getting desperate...

wishing she was blond again, Tif


  1. *sigh*
    I hear ya sistah friend :( last year at the ripe old age of 26 I started getting a major patch of gray in the front of my hairline, it just keeps coming back no matter what I do *double sigh*

  2. I started getting gray hairs in my mid twenties and now at 31 I am forced to dye my hair every few weeks. I do it myself with a Clairol that is made espesially to cover gray. I have had good results with it and it is so much cheaper than going to the salon. If only the grays would magically disappear. :)

  3. miss tulip, I appreciate your advice, and shall being heading down that aisle at the drugstore very soon...
